- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The gardener was standing by 园丁站在我身边
- One end of the garden was fenced off for chickens. 花园的一端已用篱笆隔开来养鸡。
- The gardener was busy laying turf. 园丁正忙於铺草皮。
- I was standing by the window to get a better view. 我站在窗户边以获得更好的视角。
- The garden was in a state of total neglect. 那花园完全无人整理。
- The garden was bathed in sunshine. 花园沭浴在阳光中。
- The garden was soon stinking with burning rubbish. 园子很快就充满了烧垃圾的怪味。
- When I filled out the form she was standing by all the time. 我填写表格时,她一直站在我身旁。
- The garden was a riot of color in summer. 夏天花园里五彩缤纷。
- The garden was a mass of colour. 花园中五彩缤纷。
- They were standing by and watching the fight. 他们站在一旁看打架。
- The police are standing by in case of trouble. 警察已在待命行动,以防出乱子。
- The gardener was planting some trees. 园丁在种树。
- The policemen are standing by for orders. 警察正在待命。
- The garden was bursting with produce. 这园子长了许多农作物。
- The garden was bathed in sunlight. 花园中阳光普照。
- Her dress caght alight as she was standing by an electric radiator. 她站在取暖电炉旁,衣服着火了。
- The gardener was trimming the shrubs. 园丁正在修剪灌木丛。
- Her dress was on fire as she was standing by an electric radiator. 她站在取暖电炉旁,衣服着火了。