- Soldiers in the frontline need more supplies. 在前线的士兵们台阶需要更多的补给。
- Require all frontline staff to wear surgical gloves and masks. 前线员工必须戴上口罩。
- The frontline staff 一线员工
- The commander was recalled from the frontline. 司令员从前线被召回。
- The army marched to the frontline. 军队开赴前线。
- Groups and individuals offered donations and help to our frontline staff, to the families of victims, to the underprivileged. 公民团体和市民都组织了支援行动,关怀前线医务人员,帮助受害者家庭和弱势社群。
- They retired to safer positions behind the frontline. 他们撤退到前线后面较安全的阵地。
- In a move to contain the spread of influenza, the government has offered to vaccinate all poultry workers. Others would include patients with chronic diseases and frontline staff. 为防止流感扩散,政府为家禽从业员注射流感疫苗。其他包括长期病患者及前线医护人员。
- Do you want to be on the frontline of technology innovation? 你向往技术创新的前沿吗?
- In addition to their expertise in the nautical field, frontline staff are all equipped with professional customer service training; our engineering professionals are dedicated to maintain the fleet around the clock to ensure their optimal performance. 前线员工拥有丰富的航海经验, 更具备专业的顾客服务技巧; 专业 的工程人员则时刻紧守岗位务求令船队达至最佳的表现。
- I'll still handle the frontline attack, the confrontation with Mace. 我还会继续负责第一线的进攻,同梅斯交锋。
- We salute to those who are at the frontline in the fright against AIDS. 我们向那些在第一线对抗艾滋病的人致敬。
- The frontline was held by the remnants of the 16th Luftwaffe Field Division. 前线由空军第16野战师的剩余部队防御。
- I was happy to get away from the frontline, the school was in Lodz, Poland. 我很高兴自己终于可以离开前线了,训练学校位于波兰的罗兹。
- Salute to colleagues working on the frontline and other places supporting them! 向所有抗战在一线的同事致敬!向所有在后方支援抗震救灾的同事致敬!
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- Germany, being split up, became the frontline of the cold-war confrontation between the East and West. 分裂的德国成了东西方冷战对峙的前线。
- An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff. 一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。
- The armies of men in the Old World are the frontline defenders against the chaos invaders from the north. 在旧世界中人类的军队是抵抗来自北方入侵者的前线部队。
- This corner is at the heart of Huaihai Rd, the frontline of fashion, a nice little open square with a convenient metro exit. 如果你心血来潮想约朋友逛街,如果你早有预谋想约网友见面,到百盛门口吧,不过小心被挤掉鞋啊!