- The fire died down. 火慢慢熄灭。
- The fire had died down and the room was getting cold. 炉火已经熄灭,房间里渐渐冷了。
- Open the air hole; the fire is dying down. 把气孔打开,火要熄了。
- The fire had died down,so we put more coal on it. 炉火变弱了,我们再加了些煤。
- The fire had died down, so we put more coal on it. 炉火变弱了,我们再加了些煤。
- The fire was left to die down by itself. 大家让火自行熄灭。
- The fire is dying down ,put some more wood on ! 火要熄灭了,再加点木头。
- He tried to blow up a fire. The fire died out, instead. 他试图把火吹旺,谁知火却熄了。
- He tried to blow a fire. The fire died out, instead. 他试图把火吹旺,谁知火却熄了。
- The fire is dying down,put some more wood on! 火要熄灭了,再加点木头。
- The machine-gun fire died down a little, and at the same time a deafening roar rose around them. 机关枪声小些了,但同时一片震耳的呐喊,突然从这边爆起来:
- The firemen came, and the fire died out in half an hour. 消防队员来了,半个小时后火就灭了。
- The fire is dying down. 火正渐渐熄灭。
- The child's sobs gradually died down. 那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来。
- She sat down and took her ease by the fire. 她坐在火旁休息一下。
- The bridge had been hosed down by the fire department. 桥已被消防部门用水龙冲洗过了。
- The old man squatted down by the fire. 老人蹲在炉火旁。
- He died of the burns he received in the fire. 他因在火灾中受烧伤而死。
- She had circled through a ploughed field for a mile until the light of the fires died out behind her. 她打田畈里绕圈子走了一英里多路,直到那火光远远消失在她的背后。
- And nodding by the fire, take down this book. 炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌。