- It appears in the Old Testament as Ephrat, where Rachel the beloved matriarch of the Jewish People, the favorite wife of Jacob, died during childbirth. 它是作为奥发拉特而出现在旧约上,是犹太人至爱的女家长雷切尔,雅各至爱的妻子,从孩童时期一直到去世都所在的地方。
- The favorite wife of Jacob. 雅各最喜爱的妻子。
- In the Old Testament, the first wife of Jacob. 利亚在《旧约》中,是雅各的第一位妻子
- In the Old Testament,the first wife of Jacob. 利亚在《旧约》中,是雅各的第一位妻子。
- In the Old Testament, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. 利百加旧约圣经中的人物,是以撒的妻子,雅各和以扫的母亲
- In the Old Testament, the second wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. 拉结圣经旧约中,雅各的一第二个妻子,约瑟夫和本杰明的母亲
- The estate vested in the wife of the deceased. 这财产属于死者的妻子。
- Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th. 法国玛丽安东妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。
- The favorite, of course, is camel. 最受欢迎的自然是驼色。
- It is the favorite stratagem of our passions. 这就是咱们的热情的拿手好戏。
- Biking is the favorite pastime of many people. (骑单车是许多人最喜爱的消遣。)
- The wayward older twin brother of Jacob. 他是雅各的双胞胎儿子中的老大.
- What is the transgression of Jacob? 雅各的过犯在那里?
- The favorite is going away nicely now, and is sure to win. 常胜马现在领先了,它肯定会赢的。
- What is the wrongdoing of Jacob? 雅各的罪过在哪里呢?
- In the Old Testament, the first wife of Jacob 利亚在《旧约》中,是雅各的第一位妻子
- She shall be the wife of your master's son, as the Lord has decreed. 好将成为你主人的儿媳,就照天主说的去做吧。
- I informed his wife of his safe arrival. 我通知他太太他已平安抵达。
- The sons of Jacob's wife Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. 雅各之妻拉结的儿子是约瑟和便雅悯。
- But the favorite felling derives from the ear. 而喜欢的感觉源自耳朵。