- The fact of being transferred. 被调往被转移的事实
- The act of promoting or the fact of being promoted. 促进促进的行为或被促进的事实
- The fact of being seen or noticed. 被看见或被注意
- The fact of being victorious; victory or conquest. 胜利,得胜胜利的事实,胜利或征服
- Work is basic to the human condition(= the fact of being alive). 劳动是人类生存的基本条件。
- The fact of being responsible for the commission of an offense. 有罪为犯下某一过失负有责任的事实
- The fact of being transferred 被调往被转移的事实
- The quality or fact of being legitimate. 合法(性)成为合法的特征或事实
- The act of betrothing or the fact of being betrothed. 订婚的行为或已订婚的事实。
- The act of transacting or the fact of being transacted. 业务做的行为或已被执行的事实。
- The state or fact of being plural. 多数状态,多重性多数的状态或事实
- The state, quality, or fact of being wide. 宽阔,广阔宽阔的状态、特点或事实
- The condition or fact of being dominant. 优势条件或事实处于支配地位
- The fact of being transmitted. 传送被转送的状态
- The condition or fact of being justified. 无过时,无咎被证明为正当的状态或事实
- If the facts of his crime are clear and the evidence is reliable and sufficient, the case may be transferred to the people's procuratorate for examination and prosecution by the name he gave. 对于犯罪事实清楚,证据确实、充分的,也可以按其自报的姓名移送人民检察院审查起诉。
- The fact, state, or degree of being visible. 可见性,清晰程度能看见的事实、状态和程度
- The state or fact of being an owner. 物主身份是主人的状态或事实
- As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of life in the newspaper world. 作为一名初出茅庐的记者,他要了解报界生涯的内幕。
- The state or fact of being normal;normalcy. 常态正常的状态或事实;常态