- The enemy struck at dawn. 敌人于拂晓时发起进攻。
- The enemy struck at dawn 敌人于拂晓时发起进攻。
- The enemy fighters surprised the harbor at dawn. 敌人战斗机在黎明时偷袭港囗。
- We will encounter the enemy at dawn. 我们将于黎明时与敌交战。
- The enemy launchedan attack against us at dawn. 破晓时敌人向我们发起了进攻。
- The enemy launched an attack against us at dawn. 破晓时敌人向我们发起了进攻。
- At dawn , we stormed the enemy's stronghold. 拂晓时,我们猛攻了敌人的堡垒。
- The enemy bombers struck at peaceful villages. 敌人的轰炸机袭击了平静的村庄。
- They recharged the enemy at dawn. 破晓时他们再次突袭敌人。
- The enemy opened fire on our lines at dawn . 拂晓时敌人向我们的防线开火。
- The enemy opened fire on our lines at dawn. 拂晓时敌人向我们的防线开火。
- They struck at the enemy from every conceivable cover. 他们从一切能隐蔽自已的地方打击敌人。
- They attacked the enemy positions at dawn. 黎明时分,他们向敌军阵地发起进攻。
- At dawn, we stormed the enemy's stronghold. 拂晓时,我们猛攻了敌人的堡垒。
- We avoided the enemy's main forces and struck at his weak spots. 我们避开敌人主力,打击他们的弱点。
- The very name of the enemy struck terror into their hearts. 他们一听到敌人的名字就心惊胆战。
- They launched a violent attack on the enemy at dawn. 他们在拂晓时向敌人发动猛攻。
- They leapfrogged the enemy's main force and struck at his weak points. 他们避开敌人主力而打击其薄弱点。
- At dawn,300 tanks prepared to break through the enemy lines. 黎明,300辆坦克准备突破敌人的防线。
- The two ships were anchored aboard one another when the enemy struck. 当敌人攻击时,这两艘船抛锚并排停靠在了一起。