- The bucket swung from the end of a rope. 水桶吊在绳上来回摇汤.
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Bibliography usually appears at the end of a book. 参考书目通常在书后列出。
- She usually felt the pinch at the end of a month. 她通常在月底感到手头很紧。
- A period signals the end of a sentence. 句号表示一个句子结束了。
- A short, blank strip of film at the end of a reel. 尾片在一盘影片末尾的简短的空白的电影片断
- At the end of a holiday, to new friend you have make. 在假日结束时,对你新结识的朋友说。
- Across Marsh, Tagish, and Bennett (seventy miles of lakes), they flew so fast that the man whose turn it was to run towed behind the sled at the end of a rope. 他们飞一般穿越麻什、塔杰什和笨乃(一连串长达七十英里的湖泊),速度之快,使得走路的人只好拉住雪橇后面的绳子,被拖着朝前跑。
- Rappelling, though usually mundane, is exceedingly dangerous.Rappelling off the end of a rope, as happened to Peruchini, is all too common and nearly always fatal. 垂降几乎是每次爬岩都要做的例行工作,但危险性仍然是相当高的,虽然要防范垂降的意外事故并不困难,但是讽刺的是,我们仍旧时常听到类似的不幸案例,而且通常都是致命的结果。
- He fell in at the end of a line. 他排在队伍的末尾。
- The cricketers trooped off the field at the end of a long day in the sun. 板球队员们在太阳下练一整天,天黑时结队离开球场。
- The fleshy underside of the end of a finger or toe. 肉垫手指或脚趾末端多肉的下侧
- It was as helpful as throwing a drowning man both ends of a rope. 正如把绳子的两头抛给溺水的人一样有用处。
- She usually feel the pinch at the end of a month. 她通常在月底感到手头很紧。
- Each pellet was placed in the end of a shotshell. 每个点火药片放在实验弹的一端。
- To drag an oar at the end of a stroke. 拖桨在一次划浆的最后拖桨
- The bucket swung from the end of a rope 水桶吊在绳上来回摇汤
- It is as helpful as throw a drowne man both end of a rope. 正如把绳子的两头给溺水的人一样有用。
- Do not use comments at the end of a line of code. 不要在代码行的结尾处使用注释。
- Does not define the end of a statement. 不定义语句的结尾。