- The eagle drooped its wings. 那只鹰收拢双翅做俯冲。
- He aimed his gun at the eagle spreading its wings. 他的枪瞄准那只展开翅膀的老鹰。
- The eagle spread its wings and flew away. 鹰展开翅膀飞走了。
- He aim his gun at the eagle spread its wing. 他的枪瞄准那只展开翅膀的老鹰
- Look at the eagle flapping its wings, it's mine. 看那只振翅飞翔的鹰,那是我养。
- The eagle expanded its wings before flying. 老鹰在起飞前先展开它的翅膀。
- He aimed his gun at the eagle spread its wing. 他的枪瞄准那只展开翅膀的老鹰。
- The eagle opened out its wings and flew high up into the sky. 鹰展翅高飞。
- The eagle unfolded its wings. 雄鹰展开双翅。
- The eagle stretched its wings. 雄鹰展翅。
- The eagle plumed its wing. 鹰整理它翅膀上的羽毛。
- The bird flapped its wings; The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky. 鸟儿鼓动它的翅膀;那只鹰鼓动翅膀并且高滑于天空中。
- When workers carefully and reverently took it out of the box, the eagle owl constantly thumped its wings. 工作人员小心翼翼地将其从箱子里拿出来时,雕枭不停地扑腾着翅膀。
- The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip. 鹰将捕获物紧紧抓住。
- The eagle outspread its wings. 鹰展开了它的翅膀。
- The bird flapped its wings and flew away. 那鸟振翅飞去。
- The eagle held a mouse in its claws. 鹰用爪抓住了老鼠。
- The eagle swooped down on its prey. 老鹰向着猎物俯冲下来。
- The eagle folded its wings. 老鹰把翅膀收拢。
- The eagle spread its wings. 鹰展开了双翅。