- The drains are bunged up with dead leaves. 排水沟被枯树叶堵住了。
- The drains were bunged up. 下水道给堵住了。
- The drains are choked (up) with dead leaves. 下水道被枯叶堵住。
- The drains are choked (up)with dead leaves. 下水道被枯叶堵住.
- The drain was stopped up with fallen leaves. 阴沟被落叶塞住了。
- The drain was choked up with dirt. 排水管被污物堵住了。
- His face was bunged up in a car accident. 他在一次车祸中碰得鼻青眼肿。
- He had a cold and his nose was bunged up. 他患感冒,鼻子塞住了。
- Her eyes were bunged up. 她的眼睛被打肿了。
- The drain-pipe was bunged up with dirt, but the plumber fixed it in no time. 水管被脏东西堵住了,但水工很快就把它修好了。
- The drain-pipe was bunged up with dirt,but the plumber fixed it in no time. 水管被脏东西堵住了,但水工很快就把它修好了。
- The drainer was too much trouble to wash. 碗器具洗起来太费劲了。
- He fiddled about for few minutes, said the drain was okay and disappeared. 他在浴室捣鼓了几分钟后说了声“好了”就走了。
- On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。
- We had to call a plumber to unblock the drains. 我们得叫管道工来通一通下水道。
- The drains are blocked up. 下水道堵塞了。
- All the hair that had accumulated in the grate of the drain was beginning to breed jumping, flying bugs - horrible! 排水阀积了好多头发,小虫子飞来飞去,太恶心了!
- The rainwater drained away slowly because the drain was blocked. 雨水排得很慢;因为排水 沟给堵住了.
- The drains overflowed after the heavy rain. 大雨过后,下水道溢出水来。
- The rainwater drained slowly because the drain was blocked. 雨水排得很慢;排水 沟给堵住了.