- The door was blown to. 风吹把门关上了。
- The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion. 爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。
- As the wind is whiffing, all the door are blown winingly. 只要风一吹,所有的门都吱吱嘎嘎作响。
- The pillbox was blown to pieces by high explosive. 碉堡被烈性炸药炸得粉碎。
- The door was held open by a doorstop. 那门用了门碰头,一直开著。
- The car was blown to bits by the bomb. 汽车被炸成了碎片。
- The door was riddled with shots. 门被子弹打得尽是窟窿。
- The bridge was blown to bits by the allied army. 这座桥被盟军炸成碎片。
- The door was ajar, so the cat was able to come in. 门半开着, 因此猫可以进来。
- To their dismay, the door was locked. 使他们惊慌的是, 门已被锁上了。
- The door was slamming in the high wind, locking her out. 风把门砰地一声关上了,把她锁在了外面。
- The bridge was blown to bits by the explosion. 桥被炸成了碎片。
- The tanks were blown to pieces by high explosives. 坦克给烈性炸药炸成碎块了。
- Suddenly the door was opened and a ball was thrust in. 突然门开了,有人扔进了一个球。
- My papers were blown to the four winds. 我的文件被吹得到处都是。
- The truck was blown to kingdom come. 那辆卡车被毁了。
- The door was opened by a servant in livery. 门由一个穿制服的仆人打开了。
- She asked what she would do if the door was locked. 她问道如果门锁了她该怎么办?
- The door was studded with brass nails. 门上装饰了许多铜钉。
- Two Soldiers were blown to glory in the explosion. 爆炸中两名士兵被炸死。