- The decisive battle has begun. 决战开始了。
- The enemy lost heavily in the decisive battle. 敌人在决战中损失惨重。
- This was the decisive moment of a decisive battle! 这是决战的最后五分钟了!
- Waterloo was the decisive battle of the whole war. 滑铁卢一战左右了整个战局。
- The nation fielded its strongest army in the decisive battle. 这个国家调动了一支最强的军队参加这场决定性战役。
- The long war between the Dark Force and the Light Force comes to anend, the last battle has begun! 长期的黑暗势力和轻型部队的战争即将结束,最后的战斗开始了!
- We do plan to disallow gear swapping (other than items you can normally change while in combat) once an arena battle has begun. 我们计划在竞技场战斗开始后将不允许替换装备(战斗状态下可以替换的装备仍可替换)。
- Already, in June 1942, the Japanese had lost the decisive Battle of Midway. 1942年6月,日本人就已经在有决定意义的中途岛战役中失利。
- The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle. 敌人在一场决定性的战斗中被击败。
- Due to his underestimation, Marshal Bush met his mortifying defeat in the decisive battle after most of his men were mowed down in an ambush. 布希元帅在那关键战役中遭到奇耻大败,旗下绝大多数士兵在一次敌军伏击中被杀。
- The credibility of American pledges to risk the decisive battle in defense of allies was bound to come into question. 美国愿冒最后决战的风险去保卫盟国的保证,其可信性一定会成为疑问。
- The war was "the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism", a war of short swift thrusts, blockhouse warfare, war of attrition, "protracted war". 是“革命道路和殖民地道路的决战”;是短促突击,是堡垒战,是消耗战,是“持久战”;
- In the decisive battle at Pelusium the Egyptians were beaten, and shortly afterwards Memphis was taken. 在帕路修斯的决定性战役中,埃及人被打败了,不久以后,孟斐斯沦陷了。
- They have begun to do the prevention of crime. 他们已经开始防止犯罪行为。
- This regime is preparatory because both camps are only preparing for the decisive battle. 这个政权之所以是预备性的,只是因为双方阵营都在准备决定性的战斗。
- The party has begun to warm up. They warmed up the party. 晚会开得很热闹,他们使晚会热闹起来。
- Twenty years have passed since the people’s great victory.But now, even as the memories of battle have begun to fade, a new evil grows inside Vana'diel... 20年的时间过去,人们战斗的记忆亦渐渐被淡忘。
- In August of 1265, the decisive Battle of Evesham laid the foundation of Edward's many victories to come, paving his way to the crown. 在1265年的八月,伊夫舍姆的决战带领爱德华许多获胜的到来的基础,并铺设了他的王位之路。
- The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia. 这家公司已开始减少在亚洲的业务。
- The war was "the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism",a war of short swift thrusts,blockhouse warfare,war of attrition,"protracted war". 是“革命道路和殖民地道路的决战”;是短促突击,是堡垒战,是消耗战,是“持久战”。