- The dagger wept with blood. 匕首滴血。
- Sorrowful however insert attentive the dagger, drawing out down to person, splashes others with blood all over the body also only. 悲伤只是把插在心口的匕首,拔下来给人看,也只不过溅别人一身血罢了。
- The wounded man was covered with blood. 这个受伤的人身上全是血。
- Put the dagger back in its sheath. 把短剑插回鞘内。
- The dog's fur was matted with blood. 那只狗的毛皮上沾有血迹。
- He fell a victim to the dagger of the assassin. 他死于刺客的匕首之下。
- The lost boy wept with complete abandon. 这个迷路的孩子号啕大哭。
- The child wept with disappointment. 那孩子失望地哭了。
- The orphan wept with grief over his misfortune. 那个孤儿因为自已不幸的遭遇而悲伤地哭泣。
- He thrust the dagger into her side. 他将匕首刺进她的腰。
- His hand was streaked with blood. 他的手上有血痕。
- He thrust the dagger into the guard's side. 他将匕首刺进警卫的腰部。
- The car driver is covered with blood all over. 那位汽车司机浑身是血。
- The jacket was soaked with blood. 夹克沾满了血。
- He thrust the dagger into the guard rs side. 他将匕首刺进警卫的腰部。
- When you weep, we weep with you. 当你哭泣时,我们陪伴着你哭泣。
- Again taking the dagger, she moves behind a screen. 她再次拿起短剑,转身走到屏风后。
- Can we weep with those who weep? 我们能与哀哭的人同哭吗?
- The dog rs fur was matted with blood. 那只狗的毛皮上沾有血迹。
- But they told me the street was awash with blood. 但他们告诉我,大街被鲜血淹没。