- The cube of four is sixty four. 四的立方是六十四。
- Two to the power of four is sixteen. 2 的4 次方是16。
- There is sixty four key on the keyboard. 键盘上有64个键。
- The volume of a cube is the cube of its side-length. 立方体的容积就是它的边长的立方。
- The cube(or third) root of twenty-seven is three. 27的立方根等于3。
- For women, the age of retirement is sixty. 妇女的退休年龄为60岁。
- "Who says a litter of four is unlucky?" Zhu Ping asked his dogs. “谁说一窝四只是不吉利的呢?”祝平对他的狗说。
- If this number grows as the cube of the distance, the space is flat. 如果这个数量随着距离的立方增长,宇宙就是平的。
- The cube of 2 is 8. 二的三次幂是八。
- Make sure the cube of chalk looks square and that the billiard balls look round. 确保粉笔块呈方形而台球呈圆形。
- The company is made up of four divisions. 这公司是由四个部门组成。
- All the six faces of the cube were white. 这个立方体的六个面都是白色的。
- The UK is made up of four countries. 联合王国由四个国家组成。
- He is the third of four children. 他是四个孩子中的老三。
- The cuBe [third] root of 27 is three. 27 的立方根是3。
- Few people would not exult at the smash of "the gang of four". 很少有人不为“四人帮”的粉碎而欢呼雀跃。
- The cube of 3 is 27. 3的立方是27。
- The carriage was drawn by a team of four white horses. 这辆马车是由一组四匹白马拉的。
- The cube of 5 is 125 . 5的立方是125
- The cube of 5 is 125. 5的立方是125。