- The crowd hailed the victors. 人群向胜利者欢呼致意。
- The crowd hailed the victor. 群众欢呼迎接胜利者。
- The crowd hailed the new boxing champion. 群众向新的拳击冠军欢呼。
- The crowd hailed the actress with joy. 人群高兴地向那位女演 员欢呼.
- The crowds hailed the boxing champion. 群众向这位拳击冠军喝彩
- The crowd hailed the winner. 群众向获胜者欢呼。
- The crowd hailed stones upon the thief. 群众对小偷大扔石头。
- The crowd surrounded the victor. 人群挤在胜利者周围。
- The crowd hailed the winner 人群向获胜者热烈欢呼。
- The crowd hailed blows on him. 众人把他痛打了一顿。
- Shall we turn our coats, and join the victors? 我们要不要改变立场,加入胜利者的行列呢?
- The angry crowd hailed blows on the thief. 愤怒的群众把那个小偷乱打一顿。
- Prepare diskettes for use on the Victor computer. 为在胜利牌电脑上的应用准备了磁盘。
- The knights rendered their swords to the victors. 骑士向胜利者交剑投降。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。
- The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。
- The crowd fell back to let the ambulance through. 人群往后退,让救护车通过。
- It remains to be see who will be the victor in the contest. 谁将在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧。
- The crowd cried down the spokesman. 群众将那个发言人给轰了下去。
- He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. 他挤到了人群的前面。