- The corn has begun to tassel. 玉米开始长出穗状雄花。
- They have begun to do the prevention of crime. 他们已经开始防止犯罪行为。
- The party has begun to warm up. They warmed up the party. 晚会开得很热闹,他们使晚会热闹起来。
- The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia. 这家公司已开始减少在亚洲的业务。
- Many townships in the coastal area have begin to industrialize. 沿海地区的许多乡镇已开始工业化。
- Birds had begun to chirp among the trees. 鸟儿们已经开始在树林里叽叽喳喳地叫了。
- The medicine has begun to do its work. 药已开始起作用了。
- His sight have begin to deteriorate. 他的视力已经开始下降。
- These potatoes have begun to sprout. 这些马铃薯开始发芽了。
- The corn has been reaped: HARVEST, garner, gather in, bring in. 收割,获得,收获;收割;遭到报应;收获;得到报偿。
- The revolving door has begun to rotate. 旋转门开始转动。
- The birth rate has begun to de-escalate. 出生率已开始逐步降低了
- After all the recent excitement things have begun to settle down again. 经过最近这些激烈事情之後,一切又都平静下来了。
- Doubts have begun to spring up in my mind. 洒水装置; 洒水器; 消防喷嘴。
- The wound in his arm has begun to close up. 他肩膀上的伤口开始收口了。
- The army has begun to move in on the defenders. 部队开始围歼守敌。
- Old age and infirmity have begin to catch up with him. 他开始显出年老体衰的样子了。
- The vegetables have begun to decay. 那些蔬菜已开始腐烂。
- One Scout has begun to leave in the first photo. 在第一张相片中一架侦察飞碟已经开始离开。
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。