- The cops got the crooks. 警察捉到了那些罪犯。
- As usual, the cops get the baddies in the end. 跟平常一样,警察最后把坏人都抓起来了。
- Tried to get the goods on the crook. 设法得到犯罪者的罪证
- Booth : Well when the cops get stuck we bring in people like you. You know squints. You know to squint at things. 警察束手无策的时候呢,就只能请来你们这样的人咯。就是眯眼嘛,总是眯着眼盯着东西看。
- He is skipping out of town to get away from the cops. 他匆匆出城,以免落在警察手里。
- The crooks ripped off a car in broad day light. 那些歹徒在光天化日之下盗窃了汽车。
- An African American cop goes for a haircut and got the same "community service treatment." The cop is happy and left. 一个黑人美国警员去理发去并且得到了同样"社区服务.;"之后警员愉快的离开了。
- An African American cop goes for a haircut and got the same "community service treatment". The cop is happy and left. 一个黑人美国警员去理发并且得到了同样的“社区服务”之后警员愉快地离开了。
- The crooks got away with (ie The criminals stole) most of the money. 那坏蛋把那笔钱的大部分都偷走了。
- I'll get the work finished this week by hook or by crook. 我会想方设法在本周完成这项工作。
- They started yelling obscenities at the cops. 他们开始用下流话大骂警察。
- The robber was overpowered by the cop. 抢劫犯被警察制伏。
- The crook got picked up after passing a hot check. 那骗子在用一张假支票行骗后被逮住。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- After the robbery the crooks had a share-out (of the stolen money). 歹徒们打劫後把赃款分掉了。
- She carried the parcel in the crook of her arm. 她把包裹挎在臂弯处。
- But the cops getting dropped by the gun shot 但警察会顺便拜访枪战
- She's been piling up money ever since she got the job. 自从得了那份工作以来,她一直在攒钱。
- He carried the package in the crook of his arm. 他臂弯里挎着一个包裹。
- He got the money in a very underhand manner. 他用极为狡诈的手段弄到了这笔钱。