- And right now happens to be one of those times when the converse is also true, and good morals are good economics. 现在恰恰是这句话的另一面也是正确的时候:良好的道德品质是良好的经济。
- The phase equilibrium is a function of the system temperature. As the temperature of the liquid phase increases, so will the vapor pressure; the converse is also true. 相平衡使系统温度的一个功能。当液相温度上升时,蒸气压也会上升;反过来也是如此。
- The converse is also true. 反之也属实。
- ' 'Your Majesty just now remarked that good masters have good pupils,' said the old eunuch.'The converse is also true. 海老公道:“太后说道名师必出高徒,这句话反过来也是一样,高徒必有名师。
- The converse is not necessarily true. 反过来就不一定正确。
- It is somewhat surprising that the converse of the trivial remarks above is also true. 令人惊奇的是,上述注的逆也成立。
- Of course, this is also true if string is empty. 当然,如果string为空也是这样。
- This is also true for self-motivation. 对于自我激励来说也是一样。
- The conversation is light and gay. 谈话轻松愉快。
- This is also true for this contract. 伯恩: 这项合同也是如此。
- Premier Zhou great life is also true. 伟大的周总理一生也是如此。
- This kind of solution is also true of the Livingstone case. 这种解决方法也适用于李文斯顿的案例。
- You say she is happy, but I believe the converse is true: she is unhappy. 你说她很快乐,但我相信反过来才是真的,她很不快乐。
- This is also true with those who temporarily drop behind. 这对那些暂时落后的人来说也是适用的.
- But conversation is also important. 当然,谈话也是很重要的。
- Is very chilly northern autumn, the sky is also true. 北方的秋清冷非常,天空亦是如此。
- This is also true of spongy tissue surrounding the urethra. 环绕尿道海绵体的海绵组织也是这样。
- It is also true in the leaf than in the tress and bark. 此外,一些菌株还表现出一定的组织特异性。
- Any generic method definition is a generic method, but the converse is not true. 所有泛型方法定义都是泛型方法,但反之则不成立。
- While others would argue that, since in practical terms, folks are debating, shopping, traveling and having romance, the converse is true. 另一些人却认为,就实际而言,既然人们在网上争论、购物、旅游以及谈情说爱,那么网上交流就是真实的。