- The paper expounds the connotation of the three accounting equalities. 本文通过对我国使用过的三个会计等式,分别解析各等式的基本内涵。
- Part one: The connotation of the criminal injuries compensative legislation. 第一部分:刑事被害人国家补偿制度的内涵。
- The connotation of the tendentiousness of news is a widely controversial issue. 新闻倾向性的内涵是一个颇有争议的问题。
- What are the functional benefits of the brand? 你的品牌的功能方面的益处是什么?
- So the conception and the connotation of the credit right are discussed that the credit right is personal right. 因此对信用权的概念、涵进行探讨,认为信用权为人格权。
- Since the series composed of the values of whitening function have the connotation of DIGS,grey entropy is defined. 灰数白化权函数值构成的序列具有差异信息灰列的内涵,由此,灰数的熵被给出。
- The prettiness and splendidness of language determine the connotation of the articles. 语言的丰约质美与绚烂淡雅,决定着文章的意蕴。
- The connotation of the concept of harmoniousness should always keep pace with the times. 摘要和谐概念的内涵应当是与时俱进的。
- Especially,the connotation of the word "Yi" lacks an unambiguous interpretation. 尤其是“义”的内涵问题,一直缺乏明确的解释。
- As a kind of context, national culture can be a part of the connotation of metaphorical speech. 作为语境的民族文化,可以成为隐喻性话语内涵的组成部分。
- They have sold out of the brand? that I like. 他们已经卖完了我爱好的那个牌子。
- The connotation of the brand 品牌内蕴
- Stella Artois is one of the brands owned by InBev. 斯特拉大满贯是一个品牌所拥有的啤酒。
- Methods: Analyze the connotation of entering barriers,the relation between entering barriers with hospital brand as well as hospital brand strategy. 方法:对进入壁垒的涵义,进入壁垒与医院品牌战略的关系以及医院实行品牌战略的意义进行分析。
- Sons and Lovers has a deep connotation of the Biblical culture. 儿子与情人》有着深厚的圣经文化内涵。
- Therefore, Great De is formed by the connotations of the constant De and the inconstant De. 因此,大德由常德和非常德的内涵构成。
- The connotations of the hexagram and lines elaborated by WANG Bi were based on his recognition of the Dao of heaven. 王弼综论卦爻之义的背后则是他对天道的基本认识。
- In the past, from the connotations of the name, Tianshui and always Fu Long, as well as cultural link. 古往今来,从名称到内涵,天水始终和伏羲以及龙文化联系在一起。
- The connotation of security is expanding continuously. 安全的内涵不断扩大。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。