- The concretion of ureter 输尿管结石
- And the obstruction of ureter was improved. 输尿管梗阻得到改善。
- The guillotine is the concretion of the law; it is called vindicte; it is not neutral,and it does not permit you to remain neutral. 断头台是法律的体现,它的别名是“镇压”,它不是中立的,也不让人中立。
- The guillotine is the concretion of the law;it is called vindicte;it is not neutral, and it does not permit you to remain neutral. 断头台是法律的体现,它的别名是“镇压”,它不是中立的,也不让人中立。
- In Chinese medical field, the concretion of urinary system is caused by the bitterness, eagerness and hardness in urination. 中医认为,泌尿系统结石多因下焦湿热所致,即“下焦湿热,蕴结成石”。
- The guillotine is the concretion of the law; it is called vindicte; it is not neutral, and it does not permit you to remain neutral. 断头台是法律的体现,它的别名是“镇压”,它不是中立的,也不让人中立。
- Interaction is the cause of formation of dynamics of structure, with curvature pattern being the concretion of theoretical structure of quantum mechanics. 相互作用是结构的动力学成因,曲率模型是量子力学理论结构的具体化。
- When implementing the education we should focus on the construction of citizen education system, the concretion of education goals and contents, the development of the courses and teaching materials. 我国在实施公民教育时应注重公民教育体系的构建、公民教育目标与内容的细化、公民教育课程的开发以及教材的编制。
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。
- A concretion of seminal ideas in her treatise. 在她的论文中含有许多有待发展的思想
- We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。
- He had no idea of poverty in the concrete. 他不了解贫困的实际含义。
- Only the concrete skeleton of the factory remained. 厂房只剩下混凝土骨架了。
- In the concrete, the theory is far from perfect. 实际上,这一理论远远不够完善。
- With a fling of arm, Dandy hauls Daniel onto the concrete of a building 200 meters away. 有钱仔把臂一甩,忧郁伟被扔了出去,撞在200米外的一栋建筑物外墙上。
- In particular, the concreteness of the real world pushes us toward a waterfall process. 尤其是,真实世界的具体性让我们不得不使用瀑布式开发过程模型。
- Make sure the post is true before the concrete sets. 在混凝土凝固以前,一定要把柱子竖直了。
- Make sure the post should be true before the concrete sets. 在混凝土凝固以前,一定要把柱子竖直了。
- Ambergris is the concretion in the intestine of the sperm-whale. 龙涎香是抹香鲸肠内的结石。
- Taking the concreting of the tressel for gate No.1 for example, the design of tracks and slip forms for tressels is given. 以永久船闸第一闸首排架柱混凝土施工为例,介绍排架柱滑模中轨道及模板设计方法。