- The citadel was solid. 城堡是坚固的。
- The country was solid for peace. 全国上下都希望和平。
- The men from the Citadel were blockading the Israelites around the temple and did not let an opportunity pass of harming them on behalf of the pagans. 那时,那些住在堡垒里的人,常包围圣所,困扰以色列人,不断加害百姓,而支持异民。
- French officer from the detachment in advance rode up to Murat and reported that the gates into the citadel were blocked up, and that probably there was an ambush there. 先头部队的一名军官驶至缪拉身旁,报告说要塞的门已被堵上,那里大概有埋伏。
- The miners were solid on this issue. 矿工们在这件事上是一条心的。
- The department was solid against the changes. 全系一致反对这些变动。
- The strike was solid, supported by all the members. 这次罢工是统一行动,得到所有成员的支持。
- The relationship of the citadel to the city. 城堡与城市的关系。
- Visit the Citadel - Musee du Royal 22nd Regiment. 参观城堡-展出皇家第22团。
- Its citadel was unmatched anywhere in southeastern Europe. 它的城堡是东南欧其它地方不能比的。
- The citadel of the Commonwealth and Empire could not be stormed. 联邦和帝国的堡垒是攻不破的。
- The street was solid with dancers. 街上跳舞的挤得水泄不通。
- The Irish team were solid as a rock in defence. 爱尔兰队的防守坚如磐石。
- The Roman 10th Legion was camped in the western part of town near the Citadel. 罗马第10军团在根据地附近的城镇西部扎营。
- The tires of the earliest cars were solid. 最早的汽车轮胎是实心的。
- The tyres of the earliest cars were solid. 最早的汽车轮胎是实心的。
- Nose and flews must be solid black or brown. 鼻镜和嘴唇都必须是黑色或褐色。
- Two weeks before Citadel was due for full operation, the station transmitted a distress signal. 两周前堡垒按预期完工运做,发射站传输出一个遇难信号。
- The turians were the last of the Citadel races to join the Council. 图族是最后一支加入大邦参议会的大邦种族。
- Some of the rebels were killed in the act of storming the citadel. 一些反叛者在突袭城堡时被杀。