- The cheese is sweating. 奶酪正在冒气。
- The cheese is left to age for at least a year. 这种奶酪至少要搁一年才成熟。
- The cheese is a little too sharp for me,ie tastes too strong. 我觉得这乾酪味道太重了点。
- The cheese is a little too sharp for me, ie tastes too strong. 我觉得这乾酪味道太重了点.
- Broil for an additional 2 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbly. 烤增设一个2分钟,或直至奶酪是泡状。
- The mice have nibbled a hole in the cheese. 老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。
- It is said that the sea is sweat originally. 传说海水最初是甜的。
- The final hardness of the cheese is partially a function of the length of ripening. 干酪的最终硬度的大小部分是因为成熟时间的长短。
- The cheese was emitting a strong smell. 干酪散发出强烈的气味。
- Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. 乾酪是固体,奶是液体。
- Cheese is bad for the digestion. 干酪不利于消化。
- This car is certainly the cheese. 这辆汽车无疑是第一流的。
- When the draining is completed, the cheese is removed from the moulds and salted. 沥干结束之后,奶酪被从模具里去除,加盐,然后放入金属容器中用盐水浸泡。
- Add the whole bag of shredded cheese and mix well. When the cheese is melted and well blended, remove from heat. 再加上一袋起司条混合。当起司溶解并整个调味完成时,就停止加热。
- That ring is certainly the cheese. 那只戒子无疑是精品。
- By visual inspection and by smell the grader can determine whether the cheese is up to the mark and able to be sold as Stilton. 青霉菌产生多种酶,促进奶酪中大分子的水解,从而产生复杂的风味。
- The cheese and avocado dip is absolutely delicious. 奶酪和鳄梨的调味酱简直就是人间美味。
- Italy made a bacteria that the cheese is left on the cheese, and my moldy only is like the moss have a little of water . 听说意大利发了霉的芝士才是上剩的芝士,而我的发霉只是有丁点儿水分的青苔。
- It is sweat, not dew, that helps the harvest. 丰收不靠露滴;而靠汗水.
- Weasel cut the cheese when it is in hazard. 我的翻译:黄鼠狼放屁是危险的信号。