- The champagne have go flat. 香槟酒的气都跑光了。
- The champagne has gone flat. 香槟酒的气都跑光了。
- Everything here has gone flat and unprofitable. 这儿的一切都既平淡又无聊。
- The soda was warm and had gone flat. 这汽水是温的,已走了气。
- The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。
- Everything I owned has gone up the spout. 我所有的一切都化为乌有了。
- The champagne mantled in the glass. 玻璃杯里的香槟酒面上泛起一层泡沫。
- The boat has gone adrift and there is no one board! 小船漂走了,船上一个人也没有人了。
- How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!
- The company has gone into liquidation. 这家公司已停业清理了。
- Our show has gone up in the ratings. 我们节目的收视率提高了。
- The champagne flowed at the wedding. 在婚宴上充满了香槟。
- He has gone over to the other party. 他已经投靠另一政党。
- The champagne was quaffed from huge golden goblets. 香槟酒被从金色的高脚杯里一饮而尽。
- This beer has gone flat. 这啤酒已经走汽了。
- The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通货膨胀率已经超过了8%。
- The champagne cork shot into the air. 香槟酒瓶盖弹上了天。
- Why not we open the champagne to celebrate. 我们何不开瓶香槟酒庆祝一下呢?
- The television has gone wrong again. 电视机又出毛病了。
- Jane popped the cork out of the champagne bottle. 简“砰”地一声打开了香槟酒的软木塞。