- The ceiling was smoked. 天棚都熏黑了。
- The ceiling was smoked . 天棚都熏黑了。
- The ceiling was so low that the patrol was flown contact. 云层很低,巡逻机只好进行目视飞行。
- Painting the ceiling was a tough nut to crack. 油漆天花板是件难事。
- Painting the ceiling was a toughnut to crack. 油漆天花板是件难事。
- The lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 灯吊在天花板上。
- A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us. 我们头顶上的天花板上吊著一盏灯。
- They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. 他们把烟雾报警器安装在天花板上。
- The support beams of the ceiling were ablaze,and burning tiles fell to the floor. 支撑天花板的梁都已经着火了,燃烧着的瓦片纷纷掉落到地板上。
- Some chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling. 几盏枝形吊灯从天花板悬吊下来。
- The smoke blackened the ceiling. 烟气薰黑了天花板。
- Big lights hung from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着几盏大吊灯。
- The wall and the ceiling are decorated with imported inorganic paint painted with airless apray gun. 墙面,天花采用进口无气喷枪涂刷无机涂料;
- I nearly hit the ceiling when you spoke. 你一开口就吓了我一大跳。
- The support beams of the ceiling were ablaze ,and burning tiles fell to the floor. 支撑天花板的梁都已经着火了,燃烧着的瓦片纷纷掉落到地板上。
- The plants in the greenhouse were being smoked. 暖房的植物正以烟熏除虫。
- He cracked his nut on the ceiling. 他的头让天花板碰破了。
- After the construction of internal transformation, and some similar to the old building, and tinning the ceiling were retained. 改造后的建筑内部,与旧有建筑有些相似,而且镀锡的吊顶被保留下来。
- A lamp was hanging from the ceiling above her head. 吊灯从天花板垂下。
- If your house has no ceiling crosscutting pipelines, and the room is not high, the ceiling was totally unnecessary for bigger size. 如果您家的天花板上没有纵横交错的管线,而房间又不高,大可不必做大面积的吊顶。