- The boy went very willingly. 男孩子心甘情愿地走了。
- The boy went to the bad after his father died. 这孩子在他父亲去世後就堕落了。
- The boy went on eating until he was full up. 那孩子一直吃到肚子饱了为止。
- Having watched TV, the boy went to have a shower. 看完电视以后,这男孩去冲了个澡。
- A heavy bag on his, the boy went to school. 那男孩背着沉重的书包步行上学。
- The boy went souse into the water. 这男孩扑通地跳到水里去了。
- I heard the boy go down the stairs. 我听到这个男孩走下楼去。
- The boy went out of school and wandered eastward. 男孩出了学校向东走去。
- The boy went on eating till he was full. 这孩子一直吃到饱。
- Goes very will with cheddar and sour cream, and of course cornbread. 比如,我没用啤酒,用了少许的料酒;没有辣椒末,就用了少许的麻婆酱。
- The boy goes through two pairs of shoes a year. 那男孩一年要穿破两双鞋!
- The boy goes play socker in two o' clock. 男孩子们七点半在卧室里玩耍。
- "Have you got your own broom?" the boy went on. “你有自己的飞天扫帚吗?”男孩继续说。
- The boy went to the examination room filled with apprehension. 那男孩子惴惴不安地走向考场。
- The answer was right, so the teacher had to let the boy go home. 答案是正确的,因此老师不得不让男孩回家。
- The boy went into the bookstore in search of some new books. 这孩子走进书店想找一些新书。
- The boy went to join his fellows on the playing field. 这孩了到操场上和其他小朋友玩起来。
- One day the boy went to ask a favor of the Prince of Denmark. 一天,这个男孩找到丹麦王子去寻求帮助。
- The very will to survive had been drained from him. 求生的意识已从他身上消失。
- With the homework finished, the boy went out to play. 如:作业做完了,那个男孩儿出去玩了。