- The boiler is seriously scaled. 锅炉严重结垢。
- The boiler is fueled by coal. 锅炉以煤作燃料。
- The central heating boiler is in the basement . 中央供暖系统的锅炉设在地下室。
- She was scalded when the boiler exploded. 锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。
- The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous observation. 病人病情严重,现接受持续观察。
- The tower is seriously off plumb. 这座塔严重倾斜。
- The valve should always be placed so that the pressure in the boiler is under the disc. 这种阀门安装时,应该使得锅炉内的压力位于阀瓣下方。
- I happened to meet him in the boiler room. 我碰巧在锅炉房碰到他。
- The cargo is seriously damaged by water. 船货被水严重损坏。
- When the boiler exploded many people were injured. 因锅炉爆炸,许多人受了伤。
- Owing to rough packing, the goods is seriously rusty. I am afraid we have to lodge a claim with you for rough packing. 由于包装粗陋,货物锈损得很严重。恐怕我们不得不因包装太差而向你方提出索赔。
- Since she is seriously ill, we have to send for a doctor at once. 既然她病得厉害,我们要马上去请医生。
- In this paper, the thermal performance calculation methods in W Flame Boiler furnace is studied, the boiler is designed by the American FW Company and belongs to the Yanguan Second Power Station 300MW unit. 本文针对美国FW公司设计的阳泉第二发电厂的300MW机组进行W火焰锅炉炉膛的热力计算方法的研究。
- The condition is serious; it will need surgery. 情况严重,需要马上动手术。
- Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators. 通过管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里。
- In a word, the situation is serious. 总而言之,形势很严峻
- This boiler is rusted out, we cannot use it. 这个锅炉已锈坏,我们不能使用它了。
- Do you think he is serious about leaving the company? 你认为他当真要离开公司吗?
- The boiler exploded and a big fire ensued. 锅炉爆炸了,随着而来的就是一场大火。
- This boiler is rusted out; we cannot use it. 这个锅炉已锈坏,我们不能使用它了。