- The bank wired her the money. 银行将钱电汇给了她。
- The bank wired the money to her. 银行将钱电汇给了她。
- Kate sold her car and put the money in the bank. 卖掉汽车把钱存入银行。
- He absconded from the bank with all the money. 他拿走了银行的全部现金,潜逃无踪。
- The money was kept in the bank's vault. 钱放在银行的保险库里。
- His runaway with the money stolen from the bank gave his family a rough time. 他携带从银行偷来的钱外逃,使他的家人吃尽了苦头。
- I have paid her the money I owed her. 我已把欠他的钱还给她了。
- She tricked him into giving her the money . 她从他那儿骗到了这些钱。
- Don't rely on the bank lending you the money. 不要指望这家银行贷款给你。
- The bank refused to lend the money to us. 银行拒绝向我们贷款。
- The bank refused to lend them the money. 银行拒绝给他们贷款。
- The money will be transferred through the bank. 这笔款子由银行划拨。
- If the bank refuses to lend us the money, we're finished! 如果银行拒绝借钱,我们就完蛋了!
- She got the money from the bank by faking her mother's handwriting. 她冒充母亲的笔迹从银行取得这笔钱。
- On no account will I lend her the money. 我决不会借钱给她。
- I took pity on her and lent her the money. 我同情她,就把钱借给了她。
- She deposited the money in the bank. 她把钱存在银行里。
- She tricked him into giving her the money. 她从他那儿骗到了这些钱。
- He gave her the money reluctantly. 他勉勉强强地给了她钱。
- Seemingly, he borrowed the money from the bank. 据说,他从银行贷出了那笔钱。