- The bamboo is hollow. 竹子是空心的。
- Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light. 竹是中空的,这一点使它很轻。
- Bamboo is light because it is hollow. 竹子很轻, 因为它中间是空的。
- e.g.The bamboo is hollow,which makes them light. 竹子是空的,这使得竹子很轻。
- Bamboo is hollow. 竹子是中空的。
- A lot of thing is made by the bamboo. 很多东西是由竹子做出的。
- Bamboo is a sort of hollow plant. 竹子是一种中空的植物。
- One bamboo is more hollow than another. 一条竹子比另一条更加空虚。
- Bamboo stem is hollow, which makes them very light. 竹杆是空心的,这使得它们非常轻。
- The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo forest. 大熊猫的天然栖息地是竹林。
- Bamboo is the panda's staple diet. 大熊猫的基本食物是竹子。
- The stem is hollow with pith cavity. 茎中空,具较大的髓腔。
- The trunk of a palm tree is hollow. 棕榈树的树干是中空的。
- This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow. 这棵树看起来又高又壮,实际上树干是空的。
- And aga in, nothing came from the bamboo seed. 燃而竹子却依然毫无动静。
- Use the bamboo very universal in China. 在中国使用竹子非常普遍。
- The bamboo door gave a muffled creak. 竹门轻轻地呀了一声。
- A tennis ball is hollow,but a base ball is solid. 网球是空心的,但棒球是实心的。
- They can also sleep in the bamboo grove. 还可以竹中睡呢。
- Some bamboo is thinner than your little finger. Some is much thicker than your waist. 某些种类的竹子比小手指还细。某些则比腰还要粗得多。