- The Upsurge of Economic Prose 经济散文的兴起
- The upsurge of learning English is springing up in China. 英语学习热正在中国兴起。
- They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement. 他们满意地看到了民族解放运动的高涨。
- The upsurge of the student movement will inevitably promote an upsurge of the whole people's movement. 学生运动的高涨,不可避免地要促进整个人民运动的高涨。
- This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
- This kind of consciousness originated from Guangdong and the upsurge of Guangdong humanities in the Ming Dynasty. 这种意识源于明代广东才俊敏于“岭南山川之气独钟于物不钟于人”之说与明代广东人文之高涨。
- The upsurge of extensionl tectonics is based on the establishment of theory of recent tectonic geology. 伸展构造理论的兴起是建立在近代构造地质学理论基础之上。
- The upsurge of the movement had much to do with changes of American society and revolution in press circles during transforming period. 这一运动的兴起与转型时期的美国社会变化及新闻界的革命密切相关 ;
- At present, the upsurge of city commercial pedestrian street building reflects that modern urban human need colorful street life. 目前城市商业步行街建设的热潮折射出现代城市人对适合人尺度的生机勃勃的街道生活的需求回归。
- The upsurge of fascism and emergence of consumer society were both beyond the explanation of the traditional Marxism theory. 法西斯主义的兴起,消费社会的产生,这些都是传统马克思主义理论难以解释的。
- Since the end of the 20th century, in the upsurge of retrospection of the native culture, Taoism is being cared and stressed. 自20世纪末以来,在回归本土文化的热潮中,道家思想引起了人们极大的关注和兴趣。
- The woodblock-reprinted books are the production of the upsurge of reprinting Song's edition advocated by the Ming Dynasty. 明代翻刻宋本是明代以宋本作为底本加以重新雕刻而成的刻本。
- It marked the beginning of the upsurge of nationalist feeling, with unity of purpose among patriotic Chinese of all classes. 全国各个阶层的爱国人士为了同一目的结合在一起,标志着中华民族觉醒的高潮。
- The upsurge of pet in city can be the good proof of Gong Shun's works: the pet is easier to communicate and is more trustable. 都市的宠物热或许可以证明龚顺作品所具有的意涵:宠物比人更加容易交流和值得信赖。
- I have mastered the rudiments of economics. 我已精通经济学的基本原理。
- This is meant, in economy cold winter falls, medium and small businesses is garrisoned the upsurge of Baidu is not decreased. 这意味着,在经济寒冬下,中小企业进驻百度的热潮不减。
- The main determinant of economic success is our ability to control inflation. 经济方面的成就主要取决於我们控制通货膨胀的能力。
- The upsurge of learning Chinese is springing up all over the world. It is the primary hope for every Chinese learner to express his/her thought in appropriate and fluent Chinese. 汉语学习热正在全世界兴起。每一个学习汉语的人,最大的希望就是能以中文贴切、流利地表达自己的想法。
- Along with the upsurge of public sentiment, and some people start shouting "Sarkozy to step down" and reflect the masses of the people feel the real heart of the discourse. 伴随着民众情绪的高涨,部分群众开始喊出“萨科齐下台”等反映出人民群众内心真实感受的话语。
- The weekly makes a feature of economic problems. 该周以经济问题作为号召。