- The UN World Food Summit 联合国世界粮食首脑会议
- Officials with the UN World Food Program say two shipments of food and equipment to Burma have been impounded. 联合国世界粮食计划的官员称前往缅甸的两艘载有食物和设备的船只已被扣押。
- It explains its purpose like this: "For each word you get right, we donate 20 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger. 他们解释说,这个游戏的目的如下:“你每写对一个单词,我们就为联合国世界食物组织捐赠20粒大米来帮助消除饥荒。”
- It is formally known as the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development. 此项高峰会的正式名称为联合国世界永续发展开峰会。
- The UN world food program 联合国世界粮食计划署
- Well, we wish we could say that we're on track to meet the World Food Summit goal, but the truth is we're not. 我们希望能够说,我们正在实现世界粮食首脑会议目标的道路上前进,但事实是我们没有做到。
- At the 1996 World Food Summit in Rome, representatives of 179 natio vowed to halve the world's hungry by the year 2015. 1996年在罗马召开的粮食峰会上,179个国家的代表一起倡议到2015年,将处于饥饿状态的人口减少一半。
- At the 1996 World Food Summit in Rome, representatives of 179 nations vowed to halve the world's hungry by the year 2015. 1996年在罗马召开的粮食峰会上,179个国家的代表一起倡议到2015年,将处于饥饿状态的人口减少一半。
- Let me start by extending, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the convocation of the World Food Summit and wishing the Summit a complete success. 首先,我代表中国政府对世界粮食安全峰会的召开表示热烈祝贺,预祝会议取得圆满成功。
- This is part of a five-year-old partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), the UN's agency that fights hunger. 这只不过是同世界粮食计划署(联合国的下属机构)并肩合作为消除全球饥饿问题而努力的部分项目而已。
- Workers from several agencies, including Oxfam and the UN's World Food Programme, have been shot dead in recent weeks. 最近几周内,几个机构的员工也遭受枪击而死亡,包括牛津饥荒救济委员会与联合国的世界粮食计划署。
- The UN's World Food Programme says it has begun delivering truckloads of high-energy rations to the worst-hit districts of Bantul and Klaten. 联合国粮食计划署称其已经开始向受灾最严重的地区配送数卡车的高能量食品。
- This is important, for the underlying significance of this first World Food Summit would be lost to us, were we to view it solely through the distorting prism of technology, economics and policy. 这一点很重要,因为,如果我们仅通过技术、经济和政策的变形镜来看第一次世界粮食问题首脑会议,就无法领会其内在意义。
- This week a French naval frigate was praised by the UN's World Food Programme for escorting two freighters loaded with food aid through pirate-infested waters to Somalia. 本周,法国海军护卫舰护送经过海盗横行的索马里海域的载满粮食援助的两艘货轮,受到联合国世界粮食计划署的称赞。
- Since the world food summit, the government of various countries and the international community have made tremendous efforts in fighting hunger and undernourishment and have achieved some results. 自世界粮食首脑会议以来。各国政府和国际社会为战胜饥饿和营养不良做了大量的工作,取得了一定的成效。
- There is no human death toll for the drought, but the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has said that 3.8 million Kenyans are at risk and in need of emergency food aid. 官方没有公布干旱饥荒的死亡人数,但联合国世界粮食计划署(WFP)表示,有38万肯尼亚人处境堪忧,急需紧急粮食援助。
- Mr. Smith, late of the UN Secretariat. 以前在联合国秘书处服务过的史密斯先生。
- The organization is backed by the UN. 这机构得到联合国的资助。
- The UN World Health Organization (WHO) and UN programme against HI/AIDS (UNAIDS), in a statement issued recently, called for increased health care proider-initiated testing and counselling. 联合国世界卫生组织(WHO)和联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)在最近发布了声明:号召增加健康护理和主动提供的HI检测和咨询。
- That crop was sufficient, however, to embolden the regime of Kim Jong Il last December to force the UN's World Food Programme( WFP) to leave the country, because it felt humiliated by its dependence on emergency relief. 可是去年12月,金正日政权竟然因为一时的好收成而冒失地强迫联合国粮食计划署(fp)开朝鲜,原因是为自己依靠救援感到羞耻。