- The Trifid Nebula from Hubble 来自哈勃的三裂星云
- The Trifid Nebula is about 40 light-years across. 三叶星云跨度约40光年。
- The Trifid Nebula itself represents the final phase of star formation. 三叶星云本身代表着恒星形成的最后阶段。
- Unspeakable beauty and unimaginable bedlam can be found together in the Trifid Nebula. 无可言喻的美丽与无法想像的狂乱,在三裂星云可以同时并存。
- Tenth, we see a fragment of the Trifid Nebula, a stellar cradle to 9000 light-years. 第十,我们看到一个片段的三裂星云的恒星摇篮到 9000 光年。
- Explanation: Clouds of glowing gas mingle with lanes of dark dust in the Trifid Nebula, a star forming region toward the constellation of Sagittarius. 说明: 炽热的气体云混杂着黑暗的尘埃带出现在三裂星云内,该星云是人马座内的一个恒星形成区域。
- Explanation: Clouds of glowing gas mingle with dust lanes in the Trifid Nebula, a star forming region toward the constellation of Sagittarius. 说明:炽热的气体云混杂着黑暗的尘埃带出现在三裂星云内,该星云是人马座内的一个恒星形成区域。
- Trifid, M20, NGC6514 The Trifid Nebula, M20 or NGC6514, is a familiar sight and an excellent example of an emission and reflection nebula. 三裂星云,M20,或NGC6514,是熟知的景象,是发射星云和反射星云的一个完美的例子。
- Visible in the above picture is the end of a huge gas and dust pillar in the Trifid Nebula, punctuated by a smaller pillar pointing up and an unusual jet pointing to the left. 在上面的影像中,可以看到三裂星云内巨大气体尘埃柱的末端,突出了一个小尘埃柱和一道喷向左侧不寻常的喷流。
- Some nebulae are made up of both reflection and emission components such as the Trifid Nebula. 有些星云是由反射星云和发射星云结合在一起的,例如三裂星云。
- 22. The Trifid Nebula itself represents the final phase of star formation . 三叶星云本身代表着恒星形成的最后阶段。
- 5. The Trifid Nebula itself represents the final phase of star formation. 三叶星云本身代表着恒星形成的最后阶段。
- The Trifid is a little dimmer than the Lagoon. 三叶星云比泻湖星云稍暗一些。
- The view from Hubble is like seeing an onion cut in half, where each skin layer is discernible. 从哈勃看去这就好比一个从中间切开的洋葱,每一层都看的清清楚楚。
- In these images, Chandra's X-ray data are shown in blue, while green and red are optical and infrared data from Hubble. 在这些图象中,钱德拉的X射线数据用蓝色表示,而绿色和红色分别表示哈勃的可见光与红外数据。
- Two notable nebula include the Lagoon Nebula (M8), a red patch just above and to the right of center, and slightly to its right is the red and blue Trifid Nebula (M20). 两个明显的星云包括礁湖星云(M8),中心上方靠右的一个红色补丁状物体,及略靠M8右边的红蓝色的三裂星云(M20)。
- Also like the Trifid, dark dust lanes are prominent in the nebula's central regions. 同样与三叶星云类似,黑暗的尘埃带在星云中心区域显得格外突出。
- Explanation: Colorful NGC 1579 resembles the better known Trifid Nebula, but lies much farther north in planet Earth's sky, in the heroic constellation Perseus. 说明: 色彩斑斓的NGC 1579形似广为人知的三裂星云,不过它在我们的天空的位置却比三裂星云偏北许多,位于英勇的珀尔修斯所在的英仙座。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。