- The Transition to a Vegan Diet 过渡到全素饮食之道
- China is to build a national economic information network to accelerate the transition to a socialist market economy. 中国将建立一个全国性的经济信息网。以加快向社会主义市场经济的转变。
- Technology is the comfort zone for most CIOs, thus the transition to a business strategist is often difficult to make. 技术是舒适区的大部分的CIO ,从而过渡到一个商业策略,往往难以作出。
- Each new international student in NCKU will be assigned to a mentor from IEAS who provides helps and advices to ease the transition to a new place. 互助会成员以类似成大固有的学长学姊制来协助国际学生,有助于国际学生更快融入新学习环境、深入的了解台湾之美。
- To facilitate the transition to a knowledge-based society, education reforms are being carried out steadily and have started to deliver results. 为了适应向知识型社会的过渡,教育改革正稳步推进,成果已陆续显现。
- But the transition to a larger presence on the global stage comes with growing pains, for Chinaand the rest of the world. 然而,在世界舞台上地位逐步提高的同时,也伴随着生长痛。中国是这样,其他国家也是这样。
- Yet, the Ruhr region is also a laboratory for how an industrial economy can make the transition to a post-industrial era. 但是,与此同时,鲁尔地区成了一个实验室,尝试从工业时代转变进入后工业化时代。
- We hope there will be a peaceful transition to the new system. 我们希望能够和平过渡到新的制度。
- The formation of a coalition government based on the popular mandate will augur well for the transition to a full-fledged democratic system. 在民意基础上筹组起来的联合政府过渡到一个完全成熟的民主制度呈现好兆头。
- India adopted universal suffrage at the time of independence, long before the transition to a modern industrialized economy began. 第一,印度实行普选是在独立的时候,很久以后经济才发展起来。
- In the transition to a knowledge-based economy, we need to strengthen training and retraining before economic growth can bring about increased employment. 在迈向知识型经济的过程中,必须加强培训和再培训,才能够从经济增长中取得就业增长。
- We have made a good start and the Government will continue to support the application of new and advanced technologies, and promote the transition to a knowledge-based economy. 我们已有了一个起步,政府会继续支持高新科技的应用,推动迈向知识型经济。
- Taking the network structure, the data center has a comprehensive coverage of our cooperation throughout China. Line extension through the transition to a global network. 纵观中国地区的网络结构,我们合作的数据中心已经全面覆盖整个中国,再通过线路交接延伸至全球网络。
- Since then, I’ve converted many people to a vegan or vegetarian diet, handed out leaflets, and shown countless videos. 从那时候起,我说服了许多人吃完全的素食或一般的素食,我也参与派发宣传单,或播放无数的录影带给大家看。
- It argues that all sectors of society will have to contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy, but that this does not mean a reduction in standards of living. 战略文件指出,社会各部门必须要从原有的经济形态过渡到低碳经济,但这并不意味着要降低我们的生活水平。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- Abstract It is of great significance to handle the relationship between modernity and locality during the transition to a society with the rule of law in China. 摘要中国法治建设进程中的一个突出问题是如何处理法律的现代性与地方性之间的关系。
- America has found the transition to a more entrepreneurial economy easier than its competitors because entrepreneurialism is so deeply rooted in its history. 美国过渡到一个更具创业精神的经济体了比它的竞争者容易的多。因为创业意识已经根深蒂固的植根于它的历史中。
- Radical Islamism is a byproduct of modernization itself, arising from the loss of identity that accompanies the transition to a modern, pluralist society. 激进伊斯兰主义则是现代化本身的副产品,缘起在向现代化、多元化社会变迁时产生的身份认同危机。
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。