- The Strait of Malacca lies between Malaysia and Sumatra. 马六甲海峡位于马来西亚和苏门答腊之间。
- Over 80 percent of China's crude oil imports transit the Strait of Malacca. 百分之八十以上的中国的原油进口中转马六甲海峡。
- For ships sailing to Japan, the Strait of Malacca is a route that is very dangerous but cannot bypass. 对驶往日本的船只而言,麻六甲海峡是非常危险但又不得不通过的航道。
- Ships plying between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea have to go through the Strait of Malacca. 来往印度洋和南中国海的船只都要通过马六甲海峡。
- Two huge oil ships are reported on fire after crash into each other in the Strait of Malacca near the coast of Singapore. 在新加坡海油井附近的马六甲海峡两艘大油轮相撞后着火。
- Of all the petroleum imported by China over 80 percent is shipped by oil tankers through the Strait of Malacca. 中国进口的所有石油中,百分之80以上是通过油轮经马六甲海峡运输。
- Abstract:600 years ago the great navigator Zheng He commanded a colossal fleet passed through the Strait of Malacca to visit the western seas. 提要:600年前,伟大的航海家郑和率领庞大船队,经过马六甲海峡七下西洋。
- The Strait of Malacca connects the Indian Ocean with the Pacific Ocean and is the shortest route between the Persian Gulf and China. 马六甲海峡连接印度洋和太平洋,是波斯湾和中国之间最短的海上航线。
- It's proven that under some exercises that we had engaged in...the bilateral joint patrols in fact contribute to making the Strait of Malacca safe. 事实证明,双边联合巡逻事实上对确保马六甲海峡的安全起到了作用。”
- The IMB report issued every half-year said that the dangerous sea areas were in sea areas of Indonesia, Bangladesh's outer sea, southern Red Sea and the Strait of Malacca between Indonesia's Sumatra and the western coast of Malaysia. 国际航运理事会每半年一次的报告说,全球最危险的海域在印尼海域,印度海域,孟加拉外海,红海南部海域,以及麻六甲海峡--介于印尼的苏门达腊与马来西亚西岸之间。
- Apart from patrolling the sea with the US navy in the Strait of Malacca between Indonesia and Malaysia so as to prevent any acts of piracy, India in recent years has also conducted joint military exercises with Britain, France and Japan. 除与美国海军在印尼与马来西亚之间的麻六甲海峡外海进行海上巡逻以防发生海盗行为之外,印度近年曾与英国、法国和日本举行联合演习。
- Connected to the nearby western Portion of Malaysia by a causeway 1.2 km. in length across the narrow Johore Strait and positions at the eastern end of the Strait of Malacca, which separates western Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. 北隔柔佛海峡与马来西亚西端为邻,海峡上有长堤相连;南隔马六甲海峡与马来西亚西部及印度尼西亚的苏门达腊岛相望。
- The Straits of Malacca is an important SLOC (Sea Line of Communication) connecting Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. 马六甲海峡是连接印度洋和太平洋的一条重要的海上通道。
- The straits of Gibraltar are the gate of the Mediterranean. 直布罗陀海峡是通向地中海的必经之路。
- 3 The Strait of Malacca lies between Malaysia and Sumatra. 马六甲海峡位于马来西亚和苏门答腊之间.
- European merchants coming northwards via the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea, particularly the Portuguese and British, traded extensively through Guangzhou. 欧洲商人,特别是葡萄牙和英国的商人跋山涉水,经过马六甲海峡、南中国海,到达广州进行贸易。
- China's navy doesn't take part in patrolling the Straits of Malacca through which a large portion of its oil passes and where piracy has been an issue in the past. 中国军方并未参与马六甲海峡的护航行动,中国的大部分进口原油都要经过这个海峡,过去当地的海盗活动十分频繁。
- We passed through the Strait of Magellan. 我们穿过了麦哲伦海峡。
- ROBERTS (FFG 58) on deck in the Straits of Hormuz. 7月,由荷兰半潜船运送回国。