- The Siegfried line. 齐格菲防线
- The British and American armies approached the Siegfried Line in September 1944. 英美军队在1944年9月逼近齐格菲防线。
- Although it was inside the Siegfried Line, the town was deserted, the fortifications unoccupied. 尽管小镇属于齐格菲防线,但已被放弃,防御工事无人值守。
- It took three more days, but by October 7 the Americans had made a clean break through the Siegfried Line north of Aachen. 但是又用了三天时间,到10月7日,美军才在亚琛以北的齐格菲防线上清出了一个突破口。
- But gasoline shortages and the Siegfried Line had stopped his troops and the counteroffensive in the Ardennes had thrown them back, temporarily. 只是汽油短缺,齐格菲防线阻止了其军,阿登大反击又将其部下暂时赶回。
- First Army's attack on the Siegfried Line north of Aachen was reminiscent of its attack on Omaha Beach four months earlier. 第1集团军对亚琛北侧齐格菲防线的攻击,可谓是4个月前该集团军奥马哈滩头进攻战的翻版。
- The 90th Division reached the Siegfried Line at exactly the spot where the 106th Division had been hit and decimated on December 16. 第90师抵达齐格菲防线位置恰好是第106师于12月16日遭遇打击和歼灭之处。
- Hitler, always insistent on holding captured ground, refused to consider pulling out of the Bulge and returning to the Siegfried Line. 希特勒一直坚持固守已夺取地盘,而拒绝考虑自突出部撤退,回到齐格菲防线。
- The West Wall (or the Siegfried Line as the Allies called it) played a crucial role in the bitter fighting of 1944 and 1945 in North-West Europe. 纳粹德国的西部防线(盟军称之为“齐格弗里德防线”)在1944年和1945年西北欧洲的残酷战斗中起了至关重要的作用。
- Eisenhower, prodded by Montgomery, had then agreed to a bold plan to seize a bridgehead over the Lower Rhine at Arnhem and thus obtain a position from which the Siegfried Line could be outflanked on the north. 在蒙哥马利的催促下,艾森豪威尔这时同意采取一项大胆计划:在莱因河下游的阿纳姆夺取一个桥头堡,以此为立足点,从北面包抄齐格菲防线。
- practice exercises had been realistic and extensive, as the men were trained in assault tactics specific to the Siegfried Line. 其实战课目如此逼真,内容如此广泛,似乎就是为攻击齐格菲防线而专门进行的战术演练。
- “The Siegfried Line was undoubtedly the most formidable man-made defense ever contrived”, according to Captain Cooper. 按库珀上尉说法,“齐格菲防线是人能琢磨出来的最难以克服的人造防御体系。
- By 1940, the strongest part of the Siegfried faced the strongest part of Maginot Line. 1940年,齐格菲防线最牢固部分就面对马奇诺防线的最牢固部分。
- In the summer of 1944, when the retreat from Normandy began, he poured more cement, put more guns into the Siegfried and the Metz forts, and waited. 1944年夏,当撤退从诺曼底开始时,他倾注更多的水泥,更多的枪炮进入梅斯要塞的齐格菲防线,等待盟军前来。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。