- He hit the secret agent on the jaw and completely laid him out. 他朝那特务的下巴一拳打去,把他打昏在地。
- The secret agent was heavily disguised. 这名特务做了多处伪装。
- The secret agent tailed the spy . 该特工跟踪那个间谋。
- The secret agent tailed the spy. 该特工跟踪那个间谋。
- The officer inspired the secret agent to murder the president . 这个军官鼓动这个特工人员去谋杀总统。
- The officer inspired the secret agent to murder the president. 这个军官鼓动这个特工人员去谋杀总统。
- The militiaman was on the trail of the secret agent. 民兵在追踪特务。
- The secret agent suspects that his phone is being tapped. 这个间谍怀疑自己的电话正被人偷听。
- The secret agent was arrested on a charge of sabotage. 密探因犯有蓄意破坏罪而被捕。
- The secret agent has got to go shopping and has to use codes. Can you find out what she is going to buy? 神秘的代理商要去买东西,并且得使用密码。你能找出她要买什么吗?
- The female journalist, impostor, registered residence and the secret agent, this case involves so many topics. 女记者、大骗子、户口、特工,此案可以引起许多话题。
- She was on the verge of telling all the secret. 她正想把全部的秘密讲给我听。
- He was hesitant about giving her the secret. 他对是否告诉她秘密还犹豫不决。
- They pledged never to tell the secret. 他们发誓决不泄密。
- What's the secret of baking perfect bread? 烤出好面包的秘诀是什么?
- Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom. 科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。
- Nor am I aware that anyone else knows the secret. 我也不知道别人谁还能知道这个秘密。
- The secret slipped from his lips. 他不小心泄漏了秘密。
- Each clenched his fists and set his jaw when the order came to arrest the secret agents. 听说去抓特务, 一个个都摩拳擦掌。
- She imparted the secret to her boyfriend. 她把秘密向孩她的男朋友透露了。