- The Rose and the Yew Tree 玫瑰与紫杉
- The rose and the bean families belong to the same order. 蔷薇和豆类属于同一种类。
- The rise and the bean families belong to the same order. 蔷薇科和豆科同属一目。
- The rise and the Mogao antre's form of Qinghai-Tibet Platean. “青藏高原的隆起和莫高窟的形成”英语怎么说?
- I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. 我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。
- The rise and fall of the temperature is caused by the wind. 气温的上升和下降是刮风引起的。
- The wind rose and the clouds began to gather. 风起云涌。
- The Crane and the fox/ The Rose and the Amaranth/ The Hare and the Hound/ The Eagle and the Arrow/ The Wasps... 鹤与福克斯/玫瑰和苋菜红/兔子和猎犬/鹰和箭/黄蜂...
- There were flowers everywhere, the wild ones and the cultivated, the jasmine, the rose and the marigold. 到处有花儿,野花和家花,茉莉、玫瑰以及金盏草。
- He is not aiming to get the concrete facts of the rise and the decay of any particular city. 他不是着眼于某个特定城市兴衰的具体事实。
- Thou could'st not prize the rose and the nightingale, but thou wast ready to kiss the swineherd for the sake of a trumpery plaything. 当猪倌正被吻到第八十六下的时候,他就用拖鞋在他们的头上打了几下。“滚你们的!”皇帝说,因为他真的生气了。
- It is suggested that the Ciprofloxacin-induced adverse reaction is now on the rise and the monitoring of its ADR needs to stepped up. 结论:环丙沙星的各种不良反应日见显现,必须加强对环丙沙星不良反应的监测。
- Architectural pearl Westminster Cathedral in London through the rise and fall of the previous king and the royal. 伦敦建筑明珠西敏寺大教堂历经历代英王和皇家的兴衰。
- In that city, crime born of drug abuse and gambling is on the rise and the local government seems unable to figure out a way to cope with it. 在该市,因吸毒和赌博而引发的罪行在发展,当地政府似乎找不出对付这一问题的办法。
- The moon is risen and the sun is set. 月亮升起,太阳下山了。
- When totalitarianism was on the rise and the entire international order was being challenged, we clung to our isolation. 当极权主义兴起,整个国际秩序受到挑战的时候,我们仍然奉行孤立主义。
- The seas are rising and the continents are rocking. 四海翻腾,五洲震荡。
- German-born composer who collaborated with Bertolt Brecht on The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny(1927) and The Threepenny Opera(1928). 魏尔,库尔特1900-1950生于德国的作曲家,他与贝托尔特·布莱希特合作写了马哈冈尼城的兴亡与三分钱歌剧(1928年)
- The river keeps rising and the dam is threatened. 河水不断上涨,大堤出现险情。
- Casual crime is on the rise and the lawless and the desperate are roaming the streets nicking the handbags of gossiping office workers. 随意而为的犯罪正在增加。那些无法无天、走投无路的人漫步街头,看到正在交流八卦的上班族的手袋,就顺手牵羊。