- The Government of the Republic of the Congo has officially declared the epidemic as due to Ebola haemorrhagic fever. 刚果政府官方宣布该国发生埃博拉出血热流行。
- Chad, the Republic of the Congo, and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French Community. 年,刚果共和国的乍得和加蓬国成为法兰西共和体内的自治共和国。
- Democratic Republic of the Congo is renamed Zaire. 1971年的今天,刚果民主共和国重命名为扎伊尔。
- Embassy of the Republic of Congo? 刚果共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus? 塞浦路斯共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Albania? 阿尔巴尼亚共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Belarus?? 白俄罗斯共和国大使馆??
- Embassy of the Republic of Argentina? 阿根廷共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Benin? 贝宁共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Colombia?? 哥伦比亚共和国大使馆??
- Embassy of the Republic of Gabon? 加蓬共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Guinea? 几内亚共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Croatia? 克罗地亚共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Botswana? 博茨瓦纳共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Angola? 安哥拉共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Chile? 智利共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Cuba? 古巴共和国大使馆?
- Of or relating to either the Republic of the Congo or the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) or to their peoples, languages, or cultures. 刚果的,刚果人(语)的:属于或关于刚果共和国或刚果民主共和国(前扎伊尔),或他们的民族、语言或文化
- Embassy of the Republic of Fiji?? 芬兰共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of Finland?? 芬兰共和国大使馆??