- The price she paid for being a bossy, nosy introvert.Or maybe it was the part about pissing people off. 她作为一个烦人的,好管闲事的内向的家伙得到的待遇,或者这也是让那些家伙麻烦的一部分。
- She paid the price for her unpopular opinions. 她为自己不受欢迎的观点付出了代价
- What a price she paid for saving the factory from the fire! 为了使工厂不至于被火烧掉,她付出了什么样的代价啊!
- The Price She Paidn. 《她付出的代价》;戴维·格林厄姆·菲利普斯(David Graham Phillips)著
- She paid the cash in to her bank account. 她把现款存入她的银行帐户。
- She peered at the tag to read the price. 她细看标签以看清价格。
- She paid the fine under protest. 她争执一番後,无可奈何地缴纳了罚金。
- She bargained with the fishmonger over the price. 她与鱼贩讲价钱。
- She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience. 她付了维修费以减轻内疚感。
- The price would be high, since the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged. 但是他们警告他,女巫的收费非常高,因为她昂贵的收费在全国是出名的。
- But the price would be high;as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged. 但是,询问所需的价格将会很高,众所周知,这个女巫是因为要价太高而闻名于王国的。
- I got involved in a quarrel about the price. 我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。
- She paid a call on Aunt Liu on her way home. 她在回家的路上去看望了刘大婶。
- She paid her way by acting as a guide. 她当导游来维持生活。
- The young man looked askance at the price. 那个年青人对那个价目侧目而视。
- The price is subject to our confirmation. 所有价格经我们确认后有效。
- She paid no heed to our warnings. 她不把我们的警告放在心上。
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。
- It doesn't matter about the price. 价格没关系。
- She paid the sum of $200 for dresses. 她买衣服总共花了二百元。