- The plateau extends for many miles. 高原连绵许多英里。
- The explorers struck out for the plateau at dawn. 勘探人员天一亮就精神抖擞地向高原进发。
- The Plateau vortex 高原低涡
- After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor. 他们进入了那个高原上的小裂口之后,沿着陡峭的洞穴斜坡向下爬去,一直来到一条狭窄的走廊。
- They have been herding cattle on the plateau for generations. 他们世世代代在这高原上放牧。
- The vertical vorticity transition is not favorable to the strengthening of plateau vortex in the middle and low troposphere levels. 垂直涡度输送不利于对流层中低层低涡加强。
- The configuration and the height of the plateau were very necessary for the maintenance of the SW vortex at Sichuan Basin on 700 hpa. As a result. 高原地形构形对西南涡在四川盆地700hPa维持非常必要。
- It is mainly on 500 hPa isobaric surface,its horizontal scale is from 400 to 500 km,its life circle is from one to three days,and temperature structure of most plateau vortex is warm. 结果表明:高原上较强的边界层动力“抽吸泵”作用对高原低涡的流场结构及发展有重要影响。
- This region of slow percentage increase is called the plateau. 这个增长百分率缓慢的区域称为坪。
- Another high-vale center is at the eastern fringe of the plateau. 另一高值中心在高原东边缘上。
- As the river drops from the plateau,it forms great waterfalls. 河水从高原上下流时,形成了巨大的瀑布。
- They have been herded cattle on the plateau for generations. 他们世世代代在这高原上放牧。
- This region percentage slow increase is called the plateau. 计数率缓慢增加的区域称为坪。
- They have been herding cattle on the plateau for generations. 他们世世代代在这高原上放牧。
- Thev inflated balloon indicates a latent inflation on the plateau. 膨胀的气球对高原指示潜在的通货膨胀。
- As the river drops from the plateau, it forms great waterfalls. 河水从高原上下落时, 形成了巨大的瀑布。
- The Ganges rises on the Indian side of the plateau's Himalayan rim. 恒河发端于高原边缘喜马拉雅山脉的印度一侧。
- Lucan walked to the edge of the plateau and faced the army below. 路坎走到高原的边缘,面朝着下面的军队大声宣布道。
- Bold and unrestrained music turns the plateau into a sea of joy . 豪放的锅庄和欢乐的弦子,化为狂欢席卷了高原的老少。
- Spirit found the plateau to be surrounded by deposits of opal. 勇气号发现高原上有许多蛋白石的沉积物。