- The opening day of the Olympics. 奥运会的开幕日。
- Today is the opening day of the Blang Ecosystem Museum. 今天是布朗族生态博物馆开馆的日子
- Can' t we close up the opening with something ? 我们难道不能用什么东西把这个洞口塞住吗?
- Since then, large listings in China have risen on average by only about 38 per cent on the opening day of trading. 此后,中国大型上市项目的股价在交易首日的平均涨幅仅约38%25。
- The first money or barter taken in, as by a new business or on the opening day of business, especially when considered a token of good luck. 利市新生意或生意开张的第一天所赚的第一笔钱或第一位顾客,尤其当这被视为好运的兆头时
- He charged $100 for rubbish from the opening day of the New York Yankees' stadium. 来自纽约洋基体育馆开幕式上的废物,他要加%24100。
- A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain. 西班牙圭莱娜的国际猎鹰集市的开幕第一天,人们得以见到一只真正的金鹰。
- On the opening day of the new passenger station, 3,200,000 passengers were accommodated. 新客运站投入使用的第一天,就接待各方旅客320万人次。
- The first money or barter taken in,as by a new business or on the opening day of business,especially when considered a token of good luck. 利市新生意或生意开张的第一天所赚的第一笔钱或第一位顾客,尤其当这被视为好运的兆头时。
- Chelsea's injury time win at Wigan on the opening day of the season no longer looks the gross underachievement it was portrayed as at the time. 本开幕日对维甘的比赛中,切尔西在伤停补时阶段取胜,不再如当时所形容的那样是看起来总体上未发挥实际水平。
- The Turin giants endured another frustrating tie against Rimini after the minnows held them to a 1-1 draw on the opening day of the season. 在首次交锋被里米尼1:1逼平后,都灵巨人在主场再次被对手逼平。
- It is even more frustrating considering Rooney's scintillating form since overcoming a fractured metatarsal sustained on the opening day of the season. 考虑到赛季初鲁尼已经因跖骨骨裂缺阵数周,这可能更让人不安。
- Robbie Fowler clinched a point from newly-promoted Sheffield United at Bramall Lane on the opening day of the 2006-07 season. 2007赛季揭幕战中,福勒的进球帮助利物浦在布拉莫巷体育场升班马谢菲尔德联身上拿到一分。
- To foster team consciousness between members, as the main purpose, the open day of student technology club in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was held. 南京航空航天大学微软学生技术俱乐部开放日主要是为培养俱乐部成员团队意识而举行的。
- Note: The Organizing Committee preserves the right to change the agenda; the final agenda should be based on the actual one declared on the opening day of the event. 注:会议组委会保留更改日程的权力;研讨会的最终日程以会议当天发布的为准。
- Chelsea's new striker Claudio Pazarro helped his country, Peru, to an astonishing 3-0 win over Uruguay on the opening day of Copa America last night, Tuesday. 切尔西的新射手皮萨罗帮助他的国家,秘鲁,在昨晚,周五,以一个惊人的3:0在美洲被开幕的第一天击败了乌拉圭
- Despite having an avalanche of chances, the last time they won by more than two goals was on the opening day of the season in a 3-0 win over Manchester City. 尽管蓝军有一场获得大胜的机会,但最后一次他们多于两球获得胜利的比赛,还要追溯到本赛季首场比赛3:0战胜曼城。
- Close up of a kumquat fruit on the tree. 奥兰基社团的金柑图片 Orange Kumquat.
- KIWI Chris Killen is aiming to bring Fernando Torres season to a premature end by pulling off a shock result on the opening day of the Confederations Cup in South Africa tomorrow. 在明天即将开幕南非联合会杯揭幕战中,新西兰的基伦瞄准爆冷终结有托雷斯所代表西班牙的不败纪录。
- The images of flowers were taken close up. 那个图片离花儿太近了。