- The Olympic Flame and Torch Relay 奥运圣火与火炬传递
- The Olympic Flames and Torch 奥运圣火与火炬
- He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic Flame and the passion of sport. 是一个代表火的孩子,象征奥运会的圣火和对运动强烈的感情。
- He is the child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic Flame and the passion of sport. 他是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火。欢欢是运动激情的化身。
- The red character, Huanhuan, symbolizes the Olympic Flame and the passion of sport. 红色福娃欢欢象征奥林匹克圣火和运动激情。
- The city of Yanji will host the Olympic flame next. 随后,奥运圣火团队将转场前往延吉,“和谐之旅”明天将继续在延吉上演。
- The torch burning in the main stadium during the Olympic Games is Olympic flame symbolizing brightness, solidarity, friendship, peace and fair play. 奥运会期间在主体会场燃烧的火焰即是奥林匹克圣火,象征着光明、团结、友谊、和平、正义。
- This simple ceremony, and the lighting of the torch, is the spark that renews the Olympic flame wherever the games are played. 从此,不论奥运会在什么地方举办,都要举行点燃、传递奥运火炬至主会场这一简单而庄严的仪式。
- The torch burning in the main stadium during the Olympic Games is Olympic flame symbolizing brightness,solidarity,friendship,peace and fair play. 奥运会期间在主体会场燃烧的火焰即是奥林匹克圣火,象征着光明、团结、友谊、和平、正义。
- This simple ceremony,and the lighting of the torch,is the spark that renews the Olympic flame wherever the games are played. 从此,不论奥运会在什么地方举办,都要举行点燃、传递奥运火炬至主会场这一简单而庄严的仪式。
- He is a fire dolls, symbolizing the Olympic flame. 他是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火。
- Protestors want to extinguish the Olympic flame during its global torch relay. But exhaustive measures are in place to prevent that from happening. 抗议者想在奥林匹克圣火环球火炬接力中将其熄灭。但万全的保护措施使这种情况免于发生。
- In 2008 a pro-Tibetan protestor tried to grab the Olympic flame from a disabled Chinese athlete during the torch relay in Paris. 2008年,在巴黎奥运会火炬接力中,一名亲藏示威者试图从一位中国残疾人运动员手中抢夺奥运火炬。
- The Olympic flame has arrived in Australia for Thursday's Canberra leg of the torch relay, as the city prepares for major protests. 在坎培拉市准备应对大规模抗议之际,奥运火炬抵达澳大利亚,星期四在坎培拉举行火炬传递。
- It was the Olympic flame's first trip to Mt.Qomolangma, where 5 mountaineers relayed the torch at the top for about six minutes. 这是奥运圣火首次登顶珠峰,登山队员在峰顶停留约一小时,5名队员进行了大约6分钟的火炬传递。
- The High Priestess than passes the flame to the first Olympic runner who carries the official torch of the Games. The Olympic Flame can only be lit in this way. 此后女祭司将圣火交给持有奥运会专用火炬的第一位火炬手。奥运圣火必须通过这种方式点燃。
- The Olympic flame derives comes Prometheus, an ancient Greek god. 圣火,起源于古希腊神话传说。
- IOC president Jacques Rogge said Tuesday the tradition of lighting the Olympic flame in Ancient Olympia and starting the torch relay in Greece will continue. 奥会主席罗格星期二说,在希腊古奥林匹亚点燃奥运火炬以及开始奥运火炬传递的传统将继续下去。
- The Olympic flame derives comes Prometheus,an ancient Greek god. 圣火,起源于古希腊神话传说。
- Fukuda added that Japanese police would guard the Olympic flame carefully during the torch relay set for April 26 in the city of Nagano, the statement said. 声明还指出:“福田首相表明了我国的立场,并且表示面对西藏问题已经变成国际问题的现实是必要的,他希望中国在其权力范围内尽可能地保障这不会影响到奥运会。”