- The Monk Thinks Of His Wife 和尚思妻
- He thought of his wife knitting her sweater. 他想起了妻子,也许正在家编织着毛衣。
- He deeply lamented the death of his wife. 他对妻子的去世深感悲痛。
- The accident bereaved him of his wife and child. 车祸夺去了他的妻子和儿子的生命。
- He lamented over the death of his wife. 他为妻子的去世而悲痛。
- The old man still harps on a bout the death of his wife. 老人仍在反复诉说他妻子去世的事。
- Henry has had a bellyful of his wife's complaints. 亨利对他妻子那些抱怨话已经听厌了。
- He imputed the failure of his marriage to his wife's shortcomings. 他把婚姻的失败归咎於妻子的缺点。
- He commissioned a statue of his wife. 他请人制作他妻子的雕像。
- His treatment of his wife is outrageous. 他对待妻子十分蛮横。
- What do you think of his new job? 你对他的新工作看法如何?
- The car accident bereaved him of his wife and son. 那次车祸使他痛失妻儿。
- I can not think of his name at the moment . 我一时想不起他的名字。
- He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents. 他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还有妻子和父母了。
- His ashes were buried next to those of his wife. 他的骨灰埋葬在妻子骨灰的旁边。
- He had loudly proclaimed the quality of his wife. 他大声赞扬他妻子的品质。
- He was frightened at the thought of his coming examination. 他一想到即将举行的考试便胆战心惊。
- The monk thought the problem should then be solved, but the girl cried even louder. 正当和尚以为问题终于解决了的时候,女孩却哭得更大声了。
- The memory of his wife being killed still stings. 想起他妻子被杀时的情景,他的心里感到十分痛苦。
- He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love. 他送给妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。