- The landlord class and the comprador class. 地主阶级和买办阶级。
- At that time we pursued a policy of confiscating land from the landlord class. 那个时候,我们对于地主阶级的政策是没收土地的政策。
- Literature and art for the landlord class are feudal literature and art. 文艺是为地主阶级的,这是封建主义的文艺。
- They are imperialism and feudalism, the bourgeoisie of the imperialist countries and the landlord class of our country. 不是别的,就是帝国主义和封建主义,就是帝国主义国家的资产阶级和本国的地主阶级。
- The national bourgeoisie is less feudal than the landlord class and not so comprador as the comprador class. 民族资产阶级没有地主阶级那样多的封建性,没有买办阶级那样多的买办性。
- The landlord class,our other main target of attack,also became a class that we both unite with and struggle against. 另一个主要的打击对象地主阶级,也变成又团结又斗争的对象了。
- They are imperialism and feudalism,the bourgeoisie of the imperialist countries and the landlord class of our country. 不是别的,就是帝国主义和封建主义,就是帝国主义国家的资产阶级和本国的地主阶级。
- While peasants became more and more poor,the investment mis- sion fell on the landlord class. 在农民变得越来越贫困的同时 ,投资的重任转移到地主身上。
- The armed forces of the landlord class were smaller in central Hunan than in the western and southern parts of the province. 湖南地主阶级的武装,中路较少,西南两路较多。
- These customs arose out of the rotten political environment of the landlord class and are swept away once its authority is overthrown. 这些东西是跟了地主阶级恶劣政治环境来的,地主权力既倒,这些东西也跟着扫光。
- The landlord class, our other main target of attack, also became a class that we both unite with and struggle against. 另一个主要的打击对象地主阶级也变成又团结又斗争的对象了。
- The national bourgeoisie is not interested in fighting feudalism because it has close ties with the landlord class. 反对封建主义,民族资产阶级没有兴趣,因为他们和地主阶级有密切的联系。
- Warlords,officials,local tyrants and evil gentry are political representatives and exceptionally ruthless members of the landlord class. 军阀、官僚、土豪、劣绅是地主阶级的政治代表,是地主中特别凶恶者。
- The Communist Party itself staked its legitimacy six decades ago on protecting the rights of farmers who joined its fight to overthrow the landlord class. 贡产堂本身是因为维护农民利益,才于六十年前得到了合法地位,农民们加入他们的行列反抗地主阶级。
- Our lawyer have advise against suing the landlord. 我们的律师劝告不要起诉房东。
- Warlords, officials, local tyrants and evil gentry are political representatives and exceptionally ruthless members of the landlord class. 军阀、官僚、土豪、劣绅是地主阶级的政治代表,是地主中特别凶恶者。
- These were precisely the kind of vile activities the landlord class and the bourgeoisie usually resorted to in the past. 他们的这种活动完全是地主阶级和资产阶级在历史上常常采取的那一类丑恶的活动。
- It's a nice pub, except for the landlord. 酒店很不错,但是那店主却不怎么样。
- In the agrarian reform movement, the peasant masses rose against the landlord class and got land after three years of struggle. 土地改革运动,农民群众起来斗地主阶级,斗了三年,取得了土地。
- He didn't bumble for the honeyed words of the landlord. 他没有被这个地主的甜言蜜语所欺骗。