- The Jesus I Never Knew 耶稣真貌
- I never knew an official who was not on the pad. 我所认识的官员中没有一个不受贿的。
- I never knew that Jack was on the take. 我从不知道杰克在受贿。
- I never know her plans from one day to the next. 我从来都不知道她有短期的计划。
- I never know any one who had such a gust for Paris as you have. 我从不知道有人像你这样喜欢巴黎。
- I never knew such a sound sleeper! Once his head touches the pillow, he just lies there as still as death till he's wakened. 我从未见到过这样会睡的人。只要他的脑袋一碰到枕头,他就会死一样地躺在那儿,一动不动的,直到一觉睡醒。
- I never know whether Henry is pleased or annoyed; he has a real poker face. 我从不知道亨利是高兴还是烦恼,他总是一本正经的样子。
- I never knew such a man to chop and change. 我从未见到过这样朝三暮四的人。
- I never knew anyone who could walk on his head. 我从未听说过有人能倒立着走路。
- I never knew my lady swooned before. 从前我不知道夫人会头晕。
- I never knew anyone with so compassionate a heart. 我从来没有见过那个人象他那样富于侠义心肠的。
- I never knew he was a closet queen, ie homosexual. 我从来不知道他暗地里搞同性恋.
- I never knew he had such a glib tongue. 我从前并不知道他这样油嘴。
- This is a side of Alan that I never knew existed. 我以前从来不知道艾伦还有这样的一面。
- I never know when the house will be quiet . 我真不知道什么时候家里才能安静下来。
- Rogue: Oh I never knew hunters could freeze things. 哦,我从来都不知道猎人可以冰冻住别人。
- All that time I never knew her name. 只是始终我不知道她叫什么。
- I never knew him to say a cross word. 我从来没听他说过一句丧气话。
- I never knew he was a closet queen,ie homosexual. 我从来不知道他暗地里搞同性恋.
- Iago. I never knew woman love man so. 伊阿古我从来不知道一个女人会这样爱一个男人。