- The Hong Kong Basic Law 香港基本法
- Index to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法索引。
- The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China shall be put into effect as of July 1,1997. 《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》自1997年7月1日起实施。
- In the past year, since I delivered the first Policy Address of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong people have been running Hong Kong in accordance with the Basic Law. 去年,我在这里发表了香港特别行政区政府第一份《施政报告》。一年过去,特区政府和香港市民,当家作主,根据《基本法》管理香港的事务;
- Sacklyn, R. M. (1989). Administrative region of the People's Republic of China (draft)-dangers. Hong Kong: The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Target Distributors Ltd. 本书主要是带出基本法(草案)所存在的隐忧及其不足之处,使读者对基本法有更深入的认识。
- The Basic Law provides the constitutional framework for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It has documented and institutionalized the "high degree of autonomy" conferred upon us. 《基本法》是香港宪制性的法律文件,把国家授予香港的各项高度自治权,以法律形式郑重规定下来。
- The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is constitutional as it is enacted in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and in the light of the specific conditions of Hong Kong. 香港特别行政区基本法是根据《中华人民共和国宪法》按照香港的具体情况制定的,是符合宪法的。
- The Basic Law,which provides the constitutional framework for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,guarantees that the existing legal,social,economic and financial systems in Hong Kong will continue. 《基本法》是香港特别行政区的宪制基础。
- Before a bill for amendment to this Law is put on the agenda of the National People's Congress,the Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall study it and submit its views. 本法的修改议案在列入全国人民代表大会的议程前,先由香港特别行政区基本法委员会研究并提出意见。
- The linked exchange rate will remain,and we will strictly enforce the provisions of the Basic Law which stipulate that no foreign exchange control shall be applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 联系汇率制度,不会改变。同时我们将严格执行《基本法》规定,香港特别行政区不会执行外汇管制。
- The promise of high degree of autonomy under "one country,two systems" is firmly embedded in the Basic Law,which is the constitutional framework for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 有关香港在“一国两制”下享有高度自治的承诺,《基本法》中已有明确规定。
- This will facilitate a smooth transition for Hong Kong. The success of our "one country,two system" formula should be guaranteed by the basic law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 这将促进香港的平稳过渡。我们的“一国两制”能不能够真正成功,要体现在香港特别行政区基本法里面。
- Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (PRC) on July 1,1997. The Basic Law - which is the constitutional document of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) - was put into effect on the same day. 一九九七年七月一日,香港成为中华人民共和国的特别行政区,香港特别行政区的宪制文件《基本法》亦同时实施。
- Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China on July 1,1997. The Basic Law - which is the constitutional document of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) - was put into effect on the same day. 一九九七年七月一日,香港成为中华人民共和国的特别行政区,香港特别行政区的宪制文件《基本法》亦同时实施。
- Since the Basic Law came into operation on July 1,1997,Hong Kong has,for the first time,a detailed written constitution which is the most fundamental piece of law that the Hong Kong courts and judges have to apply,uphold and interpret. 自《基本法》于一九九七年七月一日实施后,香港首次拥有一套详尽的成文宪法,这是香港法院和法官必须引用、维护和解释的最基本法律。
- The Sino-British talks on solving the Hong Kong issue and the drafting of the HKSAR Basic Law that is of pioneering significance were all completed directly under Mr. Deng's concern and guidance. 解决香港问题的中英谈判,具有开创意义的香港特别行政区基本法的起草,都是在他的直接关心和指导下完成的。
- The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall consult its Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region before giving an interpretation of this Law. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会在对本法进行解释前,征询其所属的香港特别行政区基本法委员会的意见。
- The linked exchange rate will remain, and we will strictly enforce the provisions of the Basic Law which stipulate that no foreign exchange control shall be applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 联系汇率制度,不会改变。 同时我们将严格执行《基本法》规定,香港特别行政区不会执行外汇管制。
- This will facilitate a smooth transition for Hong Kong. The success of our "one country, two system" formula should be guaranteed by the basic law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 我们的“一国两制”能不能够真正成功,要体现在香港特别行政区基本法里面。这个基本法还要为澳门、台湾作出一个范例。
- The Basic Law, which provides the constitutional framework for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, guarantees that the existing legal, social, economic and financial systems in Hong Kong will continue. 《基本法》是香港特别行政区的宪制基础。