- Let's get to the heart of the matter. 让我们谈谈这件事的核心部分。
- He went straight to the heart of the matter. 他一开始就触及问题的实质。
- Get to the heart of the matter,subject,mystery. 把握住事情、问题、难解事物的实质。
- He got right down to the heart of the matter. 他是一针见血,击中要害。
- Let's get down to the heart of the matter. 也就是‘让我们讨论重点吧!’类似的说法还有
- We must get to the heart of the matter. 我们必须把握事情的实质。
- Let us get to the heart of the matter. 让我们谈谈这件事的核心部分。
- That is the heart of the matter. 这就是问题的焦点。
- This remark gets to the heart of the matter. 这话说到点子上了。
- Let's fix the heart of the matter. 让我们弄清这件事的实质。
- They had to investigate what seemed the heart of the matter. 他们只得对该事情的关键问题进行调查。
- Let's get down to the heart of the matter and leave the details until later. 让我们认真研究事情的实质,把细节留到以后再说。
- We are sure to come at the heart of the matter by your means, little old woman. 小老太太,凭你的本事,我们一定能达到目的。
- B: Well, the number of people there who smoke is at the heart of the matter. 哦,主要是那儿抽烟的人太多了。
- She rambled on at great length but she didn't get to the heart of the matter. 她夹七夹八地说了许多话也没说到点子上。
- Here we come to the very heart of the matter. 谈到这里,我们已接触到核心问题。
- The princess captured the hearts of the nation. 那位公主赢得了全体国民的心。
- The "theory of a single revolution" is simply a theory of no revolution at all,and that is the heart of the matter. “一次革命论”者,不要革命论也,这就是问题的本质。
- The minister did not waste time talking about unimportant details,but went straight to the heart of the matter. 部长没有浪费时间去谈次要的细节,而是一开始就触及问题的核心。
- There are many explanations for his behaviour,but the heart of the matter is his wife's illhealth. 他这种行为有多种原因,但最根本的是他的妻子有病。