- The Great Destroyer is here! 巨大的破坏者来了!
- War is the great destroyer of all the hopes of mankind. 战争将毁灭人类的一切希望。
- This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion. 这就是为什么对爱和和平最大的破坏者是堕胎。
- Fear is the great destroyer of happiness, and most fears are unjustifiable. 恐惧是幸福最大的破坏者,而多数恐惧是毫无根据的。
- The days are closing in now that autumn is here. 秋天来到了,白天渐渐短了。
- The whole class is here bar two that are ill. 除两人生病外,全班都到齐了。
- Fear is the great destroyer of happiness, and most fears are unjustifiable. It can be said that man lives but hope alone, never despair. 恐惧是幸福作大的破坏者,而多说恐惧是毫无根据的。可以说人靠希望就能活下去。千万不要失去希望。
- Fear is the great destroyer of happiness, and most fears are unjustifiable. It can be said that man lives by hope alone, never despair. 恐惧是幸福最大的破坏者,而多数恐惧是毫无根据的。可以说人靠希望就能活下去。千万不要失去希望。
- Mine is here, and theirs are on the table. 我的在这里,他们的在桌子上。
- The original text is here for ease of reference. 谨附原文以便查考。
- The sudden thaw means that spring is here. 一朝解冻,便是春天来到。
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。
- The armament of any of the great power can destroy civilization. 任何大国的军事力量都能摧毁文明世界。
- The farmhouse is dignified by the great elm around it. 这家农舍由于周围的大榆树而增光不少。
- He is the builder of the great empire. 他是大帝国的创立者。
- The destroyer is calling the base. 驱逐舰在呼叫基地。
- The great advantage of this metal is that it doesn't rust. 这种金属最大的优点是不生锈。
- Behold THE GREATEST SHOW OF ALL, ITS#EIGHT is here to tantalize your senses! 第八届ITS设计比赛又开始报名了,相关介绍如下,中文就不翻译了。
- A reverend gentleman is here to see you, sir! 这里有位教士要见你,先生。
- The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise. 住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。