- The Former Residence of Gan Xi 南京甘熙故居
- The Former Residence of Pollard. 伯格理故居遗址。"
- Reporters learned that the renovation of the Former Residence of Jia Yi is preliminarily scheduled to start in 2004. 据悉,贾谊故居初步拟于2004年开始修复。
- I have been to Marx's birthplace city of Trier, and also visit the former residence of Marxism. 我曾到过马克思的出生地特里尔城,并造访马克思的故居。
- However, the former residence of Ji Xiaolan retained after all, even though only a Jinyuan La. 但是,纪晓岚故居终归保留了下来,尽管只剩下了一进院落。
- Qianjiadian depression in the former residence of sand is still between ancestors left more than a broken tile-roofed house. 在钱家沙洼故居仍是祖上留下的十余间破瓦房。
- It abuts on the Former Residence of Sun Zhongshan and Revival Park.It is a century-old school with profound cultural deposits. 现有22个教学班,学生628名,教职工100名,其中高级教师10名,中级教师53名,区学科带头人1名,并曾有三位特级教师在学校任教过。
- The former residence of Lord Kitchener, rebuilt to a new magnificence, Wildflower Hall recreates the grand style of the colonial era. 在勋爵故居,重建一个新的辉煌,野花大厅重现了殖民时代的伟大风格。
- Visit famous the former residence of Mozart, foodstuff bystreet, Mozart bridge, leishideng square, view the famous palace in revival of learning and Limate river. 大厦等著名景点。后前往萨尔斯堡。参观早有耳闻的莫扎特故居、粮食胡同、莫扎特桥、雷士登广场、市区内观光沿途观看有名得文艺复兴式宫殿及利马特河。
- The school is located at the graceful Sinan Road.It abuts on the Former Residence of Sun Zhongshan and Revival Park.It is a century-old school with profound cultural deposits. 学校地处环境高雅的思南路,毗邻孙中山故居、复兴公园,是一所具有深厚人文底蕴的百年老校。
- Former Residence of Zhang Zongxian. 张宗祥故居。
- Of them, Jia Taifu Ancestral Hall was completed in 1999. The second phase of the project focuses on the renovation of Jia Taifu Residence, and Qingxiang Villa in the garden areas at the Former Residence of Jia Yi. 其中贾太傅祠已于1999年修好,二期工程主要是修复贾谊的住所贾太傅宅和园林区清湘别墅。
- As the Former Residence of Jia Yi is considered a paragon of Hunan-Hubei culture, people from all walks of life have been strongly demanding for a full restoration of all the scenic spots at the old residence. 贾谊故居被视为湘楚文化的标本,社会各界一直强烈要求全面恢复故居的所有景点。
- The relay begins at the Dongfanghong Square in Xiangtan and then travels to the former residence of Chairman Mao before finally arriving at the Mao Zedong Bronze Statue Square in Shaoshan. 传递起点设在湘潭东方红广场,途径湘潭大学、韶山毛泽东故居,最终抵达毛泽东铜像广场。
- "Hunan Province have great tourism resources, in which Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie is a world natural heritage and Shaoshan is the place where the former residence of Mao Zedong locates. “湖南是旅游资源大省,有世界自然遗产张家界武陵源,韶山是红太阳升起的地方。
- In addition, the former residence of Chairman Mao Shaoshan only two hours by car, you can also go there to cherish the memory of a great man. (I am Zhuzhou, Zhuzhou to you, I can introduce you to Oh. 另外,到毛主席故居韶山只有两小时车程,你也可以去那里缅怀伟人。(我是株洲人,你来株洲我可以给你介绍呵。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- I didn't begin to understand this extraordinary small city in South China until I came here in the wupeng boat (black-awning boat) and visited the former residences of some celebrities. 直到我来到这里,坐上乌篷船,走进名人故居,才慢慢开始了解这个不平凡的江南小城。
- They sank a bottle of gin between them. 他们俩喝了一瓶杜松子酒。
- Visit the former residence of Shen Jiaben in Jin Jing Hu Tong 探访金井胡同里的沈家本故居