- The Fifth Republic of France 法国
- Charles de Gaulle (1890--1970), president of France (1958--1969), who was the leader of the Free French movement during World War II and the chief architect of the Fifth Republic. 夏尔-戴高乐(1890-1970),法国总统(1958-1969),二战期间他是自由法国运动的领导人,还是法兰西第五共和国的缔造者。
- Embassy of the Republic of France? 法兰西共和国大使馆?
- Embassy of the Republic of France?? 法兰西共和国大使馆??
- Since the foundation of the Fifth Republic in 1958, eight national referendums have been held in France. 摘要法国第五共和成立迄今已四十三年,在这段期间共举行过八次的公民投票。
- No president under the fifth republic has run so much directly from the Elysée Palace. 法兰西第五共和国还没有总统直接从爱丽舍宫发号施令。
- I'd like to fly to Glasgow on the fifth of May. 我想5月5日飞往格拉斯哥。
- The centre-right leader will put the finishing touches to a project that, for the first time under the fifth republic, has united the political right under a single umbrella. 这位中右翼领导人将忙于为一个第一次有五分之一公众参与,把政治权利集中在一个保护伞下的计划进行收尾工作。
- The short answer, I believe, is that you cannot and this is exactly what makes the leader of the Fifth Republic such an infectiously alluring character. 假如这是一个法国音乐剧,现在就应该让一位性格活泼的修女或者女修道院长高歌一曲:"你如何解决像萨尔科齐这样的难题?"
- Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th. 法国玛丽安东妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。
- First,the Central Committee will submit proposals for revising the Constitution of the People's Republic of China to the Third Session of the Fifth National People's Congress. 第一,中央将向五届人大三次会议提出修改宪法的建议。
- The educational reform in the Third Republic of France was an important part of the educational modernization. 法兰西第三共和国的教育改革是法国教育现代化的重要时期。
- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited the shrine in October, the fifth since he took office in April 2001, which angers China and the Republic of Korea (ROK). 日本首相小泉纯一郎已经在10月份参拜了靖国神社,这是他继自2001年4月携带公职人员参拜靖国神社以来的第五次了,这使中国和韩国很愤慨。
- After the fall of France, Britain was really up against it. 法国沦陷以后,英国的处境十分危险。
- The Republic of China was born in 1912. 中华民国诞生于一九一二年。
- The National Order of the Legion of Honor was founded by Napoleon Bonaparte and recognizes eminent service to the Republic of France. 法兰西共和国荣誉军团勋章是拿破伦·波拿巴创立的,用以表彰那些为法兰西共和国做出卓越贡献的人。
- Joan of Arc was one of France's greatest daughters. 圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。
- On Nov.4,Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji arrived in Brunei to attend the fifth summit of 10+3 (meeting of ASEAN nations and China,Japan and the Republic of Korea) and 10+1 (meeting between ASEAN and China). 中国总理朱镕基抵达文莱,参加10+3和10+1会议(分别指东盟与中日韩领导人、东盟与中国领导人举行的会议)。
- On Nov. 4,Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji arrived in Brunei to attend the fifth summit of 10+3 (meeting of ASEAN nations and China,Japan and the Republic of Korea) and 10+1 (meeting between ASEAN and China). 中国总理朱镕基抵达文莱,参加10+3和10+1会议(分别指东盟与中日韩领导人、东盟与中国领导人举行的会议)。
- Republic of France, France in western Europe, at the northwest la Manche (English Channel) and the United Kingdom across. 法兰西共和国位于欧洲西部,紧邻拉芒什海峡(英吉利海峡),与大英帝国隔海相望。