- The Dove and the Crow 鸽子和乌鸦
- The dove and the olive branch become the symbols of peace. 鸽子和橄欖枝成為和平的象徵。
- Combine in yourself the dove and the serpent,nor as a monster but as a prodigy. 把鸽子和毒蛇结合到你身上,这并不像个妖怪,而更像个奇才。
- Combine in yourself the dove and the serpent, nor as a monster but as a prodigy. 把鸽子和毒蛇结合到你身上,这并不像个妖怪,而更像个奇才。
- Since then, people think both the dove and the olive branch mean a peaceful land and a peaceful life. 从那时起,人们认为鸽子和橄榄树意味着和平的土地和和平的生活,所以他们用鸽子口衔橄榄枝的图画来表示他们热爱和平。
- Confusion between the crow and the rook is quite common. 把乌鸦和白嘴鸦弄混是很平常的事。
- Then, Noah sent a dove, and the dove was back with an olive branch. 诺亚又放出鸽子,鸽子口衔一枝橄榄叶子飞回,于是诺亚得知地上洪水已退。
- Confusion of/ between the crow and the rook is quite common. 乌鸦和白嘴鸦的混淆是相当平常的。
- Confusion of/between the crow and the rook is quite common. 乌鸦和白嘴鸦的混淆是相当平常的。
- The dove is the emblem of peace. 鸽子是和平的象徵。
- The dove saw the seeds and flew down. 鸽子看见了种子,飞下来了。
- The dove is the symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。
- The dove heard the man and flew away. 鸽子听到了叫声,飞走了。
- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (France/U.S. 潜水钟真有那麽了不起!?
- The moon set, the crow ululates and the sky is full of autumn’s hoarfrost. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船.
- "Truly, the stork in the heavens is conscious of her fixed times; the dove and the swallow and the crane keep to the times of their coming; but my people have no knowledge of the law of the Lord." 空中的鹳鸟知道来去的定期。斑鸠燕子与白鹤也守候当来的时令。我的百姓却不知道耶和华的法则。
- Before the moon sets and the crows caw I am already drunk. 凤直到月落乌啼当我已醉的时候。
- Paul seemed more impressed by the dove. 保尔似乎对鸽子更感兴趣。
- She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness... 我所有的一切都归功于我的母亲。
- The dove was unable to get to the Princess in time. 鸽子无法及时挽救公主