- Marriage also encourages the division of labour. 婚姻还会鼓励劳动分工。
- The division of labour in the towns spread outward to the rural areas. 城镇中,各行业的劳动力向外散播至农村地区。
- Smith affirms that the division of labour is less applicable to agriculture than to manufactures. 斯密断言,最能适用分工的是工业,农业就要差些。
- The division of labour is clear-cut, everyone is charged with specific responsibilities. 分工明确,各有专责。
- Honey bees have three castes for the division of labour in a hive: queens, workers and drones. 蜜蜂由于在蜂群中分工的不同,可分为三种:蜂后、工蜂和雄蜂。
- The division of labour among economists: can we forge ahead along different paths? 经济学家对劳动的划分:能否重新划分?
- The division of labour is clear-cut, each one being charged with specific responsibilities. 分工明确, 各有专责。
- What I am saying is that the division of labour between Indonesian natives and Chinese Indonesians had been set by Dutch governor van der Coen in the last century. 在这里我要说的是:印尼本族人和印尼华族人的社会分工早就在本世纪前由荷兰总督vanderCoen定下来的。
- The invention of all those machines by which labour is so much facilitated and abridged, seems to have been originally owing to the division of labour. 简化劳动和节省劳动的那些机械的发明,看来也是起因于分工。
- Conflict relations engendered by the division of labour as constituting a source of social change was simply unthinkable. 说分工产生的关系冲突是引起社会变迁的一种根源,那简直是荒谬。
- The division of labour, however, so far as it can be introduced, occasions, in every art, a proportionable increase of the productive powers of labour. 凡能采用分工制的工艺,一经采用分工制,便相应地增进劳动的生产力。
- Gary S Becker,Kebin M Murphy:"The Division of Labour,Coordination Costs,and Knowledge",The Quarterly Journal of Economics,November 1992. 孙洛平;孙海琳:产业集群的分工优势[J];经济学动态;2004(06).;杨小凯;黄有光
- And in Wyndham's novel, the division of labour - and pampered lives - in modern society leaves people singularly ill-equipped where there is suddenly a battle for survival itself. 同时,在温德汉姆的小说中,现代社会的劳动分工和安逸生活导致人们在面对生存之战的时候变得尤其脆弱而一无是处。
- The division of labour was immediately decided: Mr Yang runs the board of directors and sets the strategic direction and Mr Amelio has operational control. 阿梅里奥加盟后,二人的分工迅速决定:杨元庆掌管董事会,把握战略方向,阿梅里奥负责公司运营。
- Both in the model with agreeing spouses and the model with noncooperative spouses, such a preference has an equalising effect on the division of labour between the partners. 据过去研究发现,外籍与中国大陆籍配偶普遍于婚后一年半内生育第一胎,且生育间隔较短,采取避孕措施以调节生育之人数亦较少。
- The division of Earth is reaffirmed. 地球的划分要重新再认定。
- The division of his legacy caused chaos. 他的遗产分配引发了争吵。
- This general division of labour is appropriate. 大体上这样区分是适当的。
- Later, the Division of Mechanics was reestablished. 稍后又重设了力学研究室。
- Division of labour is important in industry today. 劳动分工在今天的企业中很重要。